Page 34 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 34

Women of Distinction

           When Rachel King was grow-                                                     what  you  were  expected  to  do,
        ing up, she knew one fact for sure;                                               no matter how grueling it was,
        she did not want to move into a ca-                                               you could get through it if you ap-
        reer in which she could not make                                                  proached it one step at a time. I still
        her own decisions. Always an in-                                                  use this approach in parenting and
        dependent thinker, Rachel realized                                                as  a  wife,  attorney,  and  business
        that the natural progression of a                                                 owner.  So,  no matter  how bad  a
        college education straight out of                                                 situation  is,  you  can  survive  and
        high school was not the path she                                                  flourish if you just take the next
        would take. A short stint in college                                              step. Eventually, you’ll get through
        was proof enough for her to ap-                                                   whatever it is you’re doing. I call it
        proach her future in a very differ-                                               ‘embracing the suck,’ You just do
        ent way. “When I was 18, I quickly                                                it because it’s not going to suck
        realized,  after  about  six  weeks  in                                           forever. If you can keep inching
        school, that I just wasn’t really in-                                             forward, you will eventually make
        terested in college. I wasn’t ready                                               your way out. And that concept is
        for it.”                                                                          so hard for most of us. It happens
           Not having too many options                                                    in every area of your life. I absolute-
        at the time, she decided to make                                                  ly credit the Army, the long stupid
        a move that would surprise many.                                                  hikes they would take us on, and
        The  young  women  who  did  not                                                  all the horrible things you are ex-
        want to be told what to do, de-                                                   pected to do. All you can think at
        cided to Join the Army. “The Army                                                 the time is God, this sucks. I just
        was probably the best thing that                                                  want out. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.
        could have happened to me. It’s a                                                 And then the minutes tick by, and
        very fast way to have a pretty good                                               at the end, you’re like, okay, I did it.
        income and become completely                                                      It’s over. At least it’s over.”
        independent, which is what I truly                                                   As a teenager, Rachel decided
        desired. You grow up quickly when                                                 to be a lawyer based on her view-
        you are in the Army.”                                                             point at the time. “I flirted with the
           Born  in Tacoma,  Washington,                                                  idea of being a lawyer my whole
        her family relocated shortly after                                                life; my dad is an attorney, so I was
        her birth to California, taking up                                                raised in the legal lifestyle. Some
        residence in the Los Angeles area.                                                parts of it were very attractive to
        , “When I was 12, we moved up to                                                  me, particularly through the lens
        Thousand Oaks. And I lived there                                                  of a teenager. I liked the power and
        until I graduated high school.”     Photos by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions      opportunities that came with be-
           Rachel’s  future  took  shape                                                  ing an attorney; I remember think-
        in the Army, “I was in the Army                                                   ing primarily about the money
        for seven years. It taught me ev-  Rachel King                                    you could make, and at that stage
        erything I needed to be able to                                                   of life, it was all about wanting to
        make my own decisions and be an                                                   buy stuff. But as I grew up, I realized
        adult.” Rachel was first stationed                                                that I really liked talking to my dad
        in Alaska, which was a big change   Owner-King Law Firm, Attorneys at Law, Inc.   about it. I was very interested in it.
        from Southern California. “I really                                               I seemed to have a natural under-
        enjoyed the Army, but I knew it           By Judith A. Habert                     standing of how the law worked.”
        wasn’t something I would do for                                                      During Rachel’s time in the
        a career. But I decided to reenlist                                               Army, she had grown up a lot, and
        during my first four years since I   attorney and as a business owner.   own law firm upon graduation,   that was when the decision be-
        finally felt ready to tackle college. I   I think even the things I didn’t like   and  King  Law  Firm,  Attorneys   came set in stone. By age 21, she
        wanted to earn my college degree   about the Army were really help-  at Law, Inc. was born. “I learned,   realized  that  she  wanted  to  have
        while in the Army, which would   ful. In the Army, I was forced to see   again, what I had learned in my   a career as an attorney, but for the
        allow me to use the GI Bill to com-  what I could or could not tolerate. I   early twenties that I don’t do well   right reasons. She wanted to help
        plete my education to obtain the   didn’t do well with all the levels of   if I am not my own boss. I don’t   people and found so much joy in
        career I truly desired. I would be-  authority I faced in the service. Still,   like that kind of environment. It   how much she could help in this
        come a lawyer.” Rachel was sent   I think my experiences there made   doesn’t allow me to be my best.   profession.
        to Fort Hood,  Texas, and during   me realize that the real issue was   So, I contemplated how to create   While in the Army, I started
        her time there, she completed her   being expected to do exactly what   an environment that would make   in community college, using the
        degree and continued with her ed-  I was told to do in the exact man-  me comfortable and allow me to   Army College Fund to pay for my
        ucation as a civilian.     ner I was told to do it, especially   blossom. Opening my own firm   tuition.  Then I ultimately got my
           Rachel has only great things   when I believed there was a better   was the obvious decision.”   bachelor’s degree from Cal State
        to say about serving in the Army,   way to do things.”   I do believe that the single   San Marcos, with a degree in liter-
        “A lot of the things that I learned in   This was the primary reason   most important lesson I learned   ature and creative writing. I chose
        the military have helped me as an   that Rachel decided to open her   while serving was that no matter   this major specifically because I
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