Page 29 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 29

Women of Distinction

        the importance of family and   with vanilla syrup and cream.   managed to raise a beautiful   have made a lifelong friend. She
        closeness. Yes, as a parent, you   They also featured one for Mark   family and run a successful busi-  is certainly a woman we should
        must discipline them, but what   Grant, who lives in the area and   ness, and through all the turmoil   all emulate.
        they always remember are the   is a regular at Caffé Adesso, and   and tragedy, she has always been   The journey from Little
        good times they had together as   also one for Don Orsillo. After   kind and loving to everyone   League to the pros is one that
        a family.”                 hearing this, I have decided that   around her. During our inter-  few families get to experience.
           Diane shared a conversation   our next magazine outing for   view and photo shoot Diane   After spending time with Diane
        that she and Mark had with their   my staff will be a visit to Caffé   was so gracious to our staff. She   and Joe, I must say that it is well
        children as young adults. “We   Adesso to pick up a bunch of   is not only a great woman, but   deserved and could not have
        were talking, as a family, with   Padre Cookies and specialty   she has truly made me feel that I   happened to a nicer family!
        my kids at the table, and I said   drinks to have in hand while we
        that the experience we had been   watch the next Padres game.
        through with Dad’s illness was   Although Joe is synony-                     Photo by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions
        a perfect example of why you   mous with the number 44 now,
        choose the partner you choose.   it was not his first choice as a
        It is for what is in their heart,   pro player. Diane adds, “His first
        not any other reason. Because   number was 59, but when he
        having gone through this experi-  came to San Diego, the number
        ence together provides a perfect   was taken, so he chose 44 in
        lesson on what life’s about; stick-  honor of Jake Peavy, one of his
        ing together through the really   favorite players.”
        tough times, that’s what brings   Not only is family so
        you closer.”               essential to Diane, but they have
           I asked Diane to share more   increased their family to include
        about Caffé Adesso. “It has   the Padres’ organization. Diane’s
        been a big blessing for us. The   daughter Terra is an accom-
        Padre Fans and Friar Faithful   plished baker who has shared
        are so supportive.” This became   this love with the Padres organi-  Joe Musgrove Shares…
        even more evident on April 9th,   zation. “At every home start for
        2021, only Joe’s second start as   Joe, Terra makes some goodies   Thoughts on His Mom
        a Padre. Joe threw the Historic   for the clubhouse. We believe
        No-Hitter, the first in the Padres’   in taking care of the people that   “The Italian culture runs very deep on my Mom's side of the
        54-year history. His family was   take such good care of us. Terra   family. As more years pass, I see more and more of my Grandma
        not at this particular game since   will come home from working   in her. My Grandma was a sensational woman too. Grandma
        it was an away game against the   her full-time job and head into   was the same type of lady, extremely hardworking, who just lived
        Texas Rangers. The entire family   the kitchen, where she manages   to be a Mother and to take care of people. I feel like my Mom is
        gathered around the TV holding   to get everything done and pack-  the definition of what a Mother is. It seems like her whole life since
        their breath as it became evident   aged up for the night game.”   she's had kids has been the most selfless life that I could imagine.
        that a No-Hitter was definitely a   I asked Diane if she had   Everything she does is always for other people. I can't remember
        possibility. When that final pitch   ever thrown the ball around   the last time I saw her go shopping and buy herself some new
        was thrown, the family erupted   with Joe. She laughs and says, “I   clothes, take herself out to do something fun, or treat herself to
        in joy, hugging, screaming, and   used to until he took two wood   a nice dinner. She’s just always thinking about other people and
        jumping up and down, so proud   boards out of my fence with a   about her kids and her family, and we are not kids anymore. We
        of what Joe had accomplished.  fastball” Yes, his fastballs are kill-  are all 30 plus. But she still treats us like we are her babies. She is
           This event had a huge   er, but then so are his curve balls   extremely loving. What she went through with my Dad’s illness
        impact on Caffé Adesso, as a   that are so often unhittable.  alone is enough to break somebody down. It wasn’t just the mental
        new level of interest developed.   San Diegans, even the   wear on her over the years, but the physical. The things that she
        They soon had lines around the   transplanted ones, love our Pa-  had to pick up that my Dad couldn’t physically do. And when I'm
        block, especially when Terra   dres team, and we at San Diego   in season with the Padres, and none of us are around, my Mother
        suggested adding some special   Woman Magazine wish them   carries the weight of everything for our family. She is the reason
        items to the menu in honor of   much success throughout their   that our family is still going strong and that we are all as tight as
        this historic event. Diane direct-  season.              we are. She sets an example through her resilience. She continues
        ed her baker to create special   Over the past 16 years, I   to push forward with no excuses and no complaining ever. Just
        44 and Padres-themed cookies.   have had the opportunity to in-  watching the way that she goes about life is a big motivator for me.
        Specialty drinks were also add-  terview some amazing women.   And has taught me how I need to approach not just my career but
        ed, including Joe’s favorite drink,   Diane Musgrove is undoubtedly   every single baseball game.”
        “The 44,” which is cold brew   one of my favorites. Diane has

        Special Thanks Go Out to The San Diego Padres for the Use of Their Field for Our Photo Shoot with the Musgroves!  29
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