Page 24 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 24
Latino College participated in the were present: Sylvia Melena,
Several other authors
On June 10, Mira Costa
Teresa Verduzco, Maritere
71st Latino Book and Family
Book Festival, as they have done for Bellas, Karla Cordero, Jose
the past several years. There
Chavez, Randy Ertll, Vibiana
were many different activities
Chamberlin, Esther Reyes.
for families to enjoy together.
Sato, Poli Flores, and more,
Visiting with renowned au- Patricia Siciliano, Graciela
thors and community leaders who all read from their books.
might be at the top of the list. Congressman Mike Levine
To begin with, Reyna Grande, read a children’s book as well.
the award-winning author of Another local award-
The Distance Between Us and winning author was there,
a sequel, was speaking at the Sonia Gutierrez, author of
event. Her other works include Dreaming with Mariposas,
the very popular Dancing with who won the Tomas Rivera
Butterflies. Her latest book is Book Award.
an adaptation of Spare Parts: Also, present to visit were
The True Stoy of Four Undoc- over 125 exhibitor booths and
umented Teenagers, One Ugly several bilingual workshops
Robot, and An Impossible discussing health, finances,
Dream for young readers by and educational issues. A local
Joshua Davis. author and artist, Maggie
Also speaking was Victor Ramos, donated more than
Villasenor, the author of four 100 of her books, as did many
national bestsellers, including other authors.
Rain of Gold. He has been Before enjoying several
nominated for the Pulitzer dance groups, including Ran-
Prize three times. He has writ- cho Buena Vista high school’s
ten several screenplays as well Mariachi, Ballet Folklorico
and as some bilingual children’s Cultural de San Bernardino,
Rose Elementary Ignite Dance
books. He is an advocate for
Family literacy, especially among group, and Tierra Caliente
Ballet Folklorico, there was
lots of food to enjoy including
Jaime Figueroa, current-
Festival ly the Executive Director of free aquas frescas.
Operation Hope – North
Many thanks go to
County, a homeless shelter, is
Edward Becerra, founder of
very active in the community.
Begins in the Home, and the
Prior to this, he helped devel- the organization Education
By Sharon Hightower op a juvenile reentry program many others who supported
called Resilience Community this festival, including Ed-
Mentoring. Earlier, he worked ward James Olmos and Kirk
on a pilot initiative for Latino Whisler.