Page 28 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 28
Women of Distinction
Atop Mount Helix for 14 years. baseball for many years and Landis, who managed to throw a
It was the most beautiful venue have been in contact with many 44-mph pitch, which just so hap-
in all of San Diego in which players who are only focused on pens to be Joe’s uniform number.
to see a show. With a faithful themselves. Joe Musgrove gives Knowing of this charitable
following, there were often 1200 his time and attention to many contribution and others he is
people in the seats, and my kids different charities and organiza- happy to participate in, I had to
were always up there either set tions and is integral in support- ask Diane how she instilled this
dressing, helping with quick ing the Challenged Athletes type of caring and giving nature
changes, or participating as a Foundation. in her children.
working crew; they did what- I was lucky enough to “I think a lot of it was being
ever they could to help. It all attend a special fundraiser that a stay at home Mom. I worked
became another family activity. Joe held that raised almost outside the house when Marisa
So, we all did this together. “Un- $100,000 for CAF. Fans were in- was young, but luckily, I had
beknownst to most, Joe enjoyed vited to join him on his journey my Mom and Dad close by, and
following in his sister’s footsteps to Antarctica to set a Guinness my sister lived in the house up
in the theater business. Terra is Book of World Record for on the cul-de-sac. So, I had my
an accomplished singer. Marisa the fastest pitch ever thrown family watching Marisa when
is an actress and director. So, there. All proceeds from the she was young. When Terra
Joe got involved in school plays event and the trip went to the came along, Mark asked me,
and went to a performing arts Challenged Athletes Founda- ‘What do you think of being
Photo by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions school. The three of them tap tion. Since the fundraiser was a stay-at-home Mom?’ I was
was pitching in the 2017 World danced in competitions at the a success, Joe was able to invite so excited because I wanted to
Series. Houston would win the Delmar Fair. We still tease Joe 16-year-old Landis Sims, who earn while I could and help out
Series, and of course, Diane was about this because he came was born without arms and financially, but still, I wanted to
there leading the way. home one day and said, ‘Dad, lower legs. A friendship had see them take their first steps. So,
In 2021 Joe was traded to I think I’m gonna stick to begun, and Joe participated in my dream of being a stay-at-
the San Diego Padres, which baseball.’” the movie “Landis: Just Watch home Mom and watching them
brought Joe home to San Diego, Diane’s love of baseball Me,” featuring Landis and his grow every step of the way was
and Diane was once again in her has never wavered to this day; amazing baseball career over the realized, and I am so grateful be-
glory to have her son nearby. she hasn’t missed many of Joe’s last eight years. He also brought cause I know many women don’t
Since he arrived, Diane has been pitching starts, but her love of along two other CAF athletes, get that opportunity. Generally,
the focus of several interviews the sport began as a young girl Roderick Sewell, a double the experiences we take away are
and special interest stories re- “I grew up in a family where my above-knee amputee who from how we were brought up.”
garding her involvement in Joe’s cousin was Professional Baseball became the first to finish the Diane added that commu-
baseball life. Diane also remains Player Deron Johnson, so at a Ironman World Championship. nication is key in parenting,
intimately involved in the lives of young age, we were going to Joe, cheered on by his girl- and she always tried to have
Aaron, Marisa, and Terra. baseball games a lot. So that’s friend Arica Christensen, took important and meaningful con-
Although a good part of her always been a passion for our some warm-up pitches aboard versations with all her children,
time was spent supporting Joe family.” the boat, The Ocean Victory, as did her husband, Mark. Joe
during his early days and even Anyone who has any deal- which transported them from never lost his focus on the game
as his career continued to sky- ings with Joe Musgrove realizes Ushuaia in Southern Argentina he loved, and he was always the
rocket, she always found time to what a stand-up guy he is. He to Antarctica. His first try was a first one in the car when heading
share in the passions of all of her is focused and cares so much 79-mph fastball, followed by his to a game. His sisters were not
children. “Before Mark got sick, about others. I have person- record-setting 86-mph fastball. far behind him. “Throughout
I managed the summer shows ally been around the game of Joe then handed the ball to the years, we always focused on
Photos Courtesy of The San Diego Padres