Page 31 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 31

Women of Distinction
                Symbiotic Training Center

                           Making a Difference for Today's Athletes

                                                   By Judith A. Habert

           Joe Musgrove has brought                                                       their physical and mental edge-
        so much to San Diego since                                                        a place where you can do your
        coming home to a position                                                         physical therapy, workout, and
        as a starting Pitcher for the                                                     recovery, all under one roof."
        San Diego Padres. Of course,                                                         Born and raised in En-
        there was the first No Hit-                                                       gland, Jono came to the US to
        ter in the San Diego Padres'                                                      attend college. "I moved to the
        54-year history and a long list                                                   United States when I was 20 to
        of charitable endeavors to his                                                    attend school in Ohio. I played
        credit, but that's not all. With                                                  basketball in college, and that
        his recent grand opening of                                                       is when I began studying ki-
        Symbiotic Training Center, he                                                     nesiology. I ended up moving
        is now sharing with our town                                                      my efforts less towards playing
        the professional techniques                                                       sports and more towards
        and training that helped Joe                                                      studying them, which led me
        attain his position as one of the                                                 to move to California to begin
        great pitchers in the game of                                                     my career training athletes."
        baseball.                                                                            At first, Jono lived in Or-
           Symbiotic Training Center                                                      ange County and was training
        had its grand opening earlier                                                     baseball players there when
        this month. I had the good                                                        he heard about Dominick
        fortune of being able to tour                                                     Johnson, a renowned pitching
        the facility and meet some of                                                     coach in San Diego, who was
        the professionals who make                                                        also working with one of his
        this center so unique. It is San                                                  personal training clients. "I
        Diego's Top Training Center                                                       made the move to San Diego,
        for Baseball Athletes. Symbiotic                                                  and Dominick sent me over a
        is a collaborative community                                                      few of his young guys to start
        providing both education and                                                      working with. One of those
        opportunity to driven athletes.                                                   athletes was his Godson, Joe
           Originally founded in                                                          Musgrove."
        2017 by Jono Green and Dana                                                          Joe added, "When I started
        Sorensen, Symbiotic is a col-                                                     training with Jono about ten
        lective of diverse backgrounds,                                                   years ago, I realized how much
        skill sets, and modalities. Joe                                                   I had to gain working one-on-
        Musgrove was introduced to                                                        one with a personal trainer.
        Jono Green by his Godfather                                                       As the years went by, Jono left
        and pitching coach, Dominick                                                      the facility where he worked
        Johnson, and as they say, the                                                     in hopes of starting his own
        rest is history.                                                                  business. This required a large
           Joe worked closely with                                                        outlay of capital to do so. At
        Jono for close to ten years                            Photos Courtesy of Jono Green  first, we were bouncing around
        and always knew that at some   of my 12+ years in profes-  puts in front of you. I want   to different gym spaces or
        point, he wanted to share   sional baseball, one thing I've   to share this community and   working outdoors at the beach;
        Jono's expertise with other   learned is that you can't do it   experience with the athletes of   the ultimate goal was to find a
        athletes who he knew would   alone. Building an experienced   San Diego. Symbiotic is a place   large enough space to build the
        benefit from the intense train-  and dedicated team of people   where you can gain access to   ultimate training facility."
        ing he had received. In Joe's   around you is key to overcom-  the things that professionals   On July 6, 2023, Joe Mus-
        own words, "Over the course   ing the obstacles that the game   do on a daily basis to maintain   grove and trainer Jono Green

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