Page 27 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 27

Women of Distinction

        allowed, she would take a few   games led to these same scouts   Of course, the scout began
        minutes for herself.       visiting the Musgrove home   sharing the quality of Diane’s
           After three months in the   for “Family Home Visits.” The   cooking and her graciousness as
        hospital, Mark was able to re-  Musgrove home visits became a   a host, so there was no surprise
        turn home. Diane had acquired   circus…A pleasant and exciting   that a few scouts felt the need to
        a hospital bed and other items   circus, but a circus nonetheless.   return for a second visit.               Photos Courtesy of Diane Musgrove
        to furnish one of their rooms as   The Pro-Scout visits would   At this time, Tony Gwynn
        a makeshift hospital room for   occur after games, which were   was the Head Coach at SDSU,
        Mark.                      usually twice a week. On “Pro-  and he recruited Joe to attend
           Diane definitely had her   Scout Visits,” Diane’s days went   San Diego State University. In
        hands full. She had a household   a little like this…   November, Joe signed a Nation-
        to maintain, a business to run,   •  Diane would start her very   al Letter of Intent to attend San
        and now she was also a nurse.   early day by getting lunches   Diego State University. Tony
        True to form, she handled     ready.                   was very instrumental in assist-
        everything like a champ, once   •  Then it was making break-  ing and motivating Joe with his
        again illustrating to her family   fast.               academics and baseball future.
        that she could overcome and   •  After which, she would set   Tony was more than a College
        succeed no matter what the    her dinner table for that   Coach. He would become, and
        obstacle.                     evening.                 remain, very important in the
           This did, however, create   •  Next was making her   lives of the Musgrove family.
        another hurdle. Joe and Marisa   meatballs for dinner and   In early June of 2011, Joe,
        were spending nights at the   selecting the right entrée   Mark, and Dominick (Domi-
        hospital with their Dad. They   pasta, usually spaghetti,   nick Johnson, Diane’s Cousin,
        would alternate nights, sleeping   Ravioli, or Penne.  and Joe’s Godfather. Dom was,
        on a hospital-provided cot   •  Then prepare dessert.  and remains, Joe’s personal
        beside Mark’s bed.         •  She would assist Mark with   pitching coach) were sitting in
           Joe was spending a tre-    preparing for the day.   Mark’s office about to watch the
        mendous amount of time with   •  There would be some time   MLB Draft live on television.
        his Dad at the hospital, and the   set aside to vacuum & dust,   Diane and several family mem-
        repercussions of this began to   etc.                  bers were gathered in the front
        surface. His academics were   •  Then head to Alpine to   room doing the same.
        falling, and his interest in base-  coordinate with Rita on   Joe was eventually selected
        ball was at risk. Joe was trying   the day’s duties, including   in the 1st round of the MLB
        to figure out his role within   Inventory, staffing issues,   Draft. As expected, Diane and
        the home and how he could     customer issues, purchas-  the rest of the family were
        best help the family. Diane and   ing, banking, etc.   thrilled beyond description.
        Mark began reinforcing the   •  Diane would return home   The San Diego Media, nu-
        need for Joe to return to his   to assist in getting Mark and   merous family, friends, and
        studies, which was the best way   herself to the day’s baseball   neighbors began to converge on
        to assist. Mark also had a talk   game.                the Musgrove home to congrat-
        with Joe about continuing to fo-  •  Rush home after the game   ulate Joe and his family. Diane
        cus on his baseball. Along with   to complete the dinner   was in her glory. This is a family
        improved academics, he might   menu (salad, garlic bread,   that loves baseball, and this was
        be able to get into college with   Etc.)               the highlight of Joe’s baseball
        financial help from a scholar-  •  The evening was then spent   career…Thus Far!
        ship. Joe was able to turn these   with dinner, dessert, and a   Over the next few years,
        issues around, and he graduated   discussion about what this   Joe would make his way
        from Grossmont in 2011.       scout feels about Joe’s future   through the minor leagues, and
           During Joe’s senior year of   in professional baseball.   Diane would take several trips
        high school, his baseball skills                       around the country to watch
        improved so much that profes-  You see, the importance of   Joe play. In July of 2016, Joe was
        sional scouts began showing a   these visits was not only Diane’s   promoted to the Major Leagues,
        great deal of interest in him for   personal pride in her home and   where he remains to this day.
        the 2011 Baseball Draft. During   cooking skills, but she was aware   In the Fall of 2017, Diane,
        Joe’s senior year at Grossmont   that the scouts were evaluating   Mark, and the family would
        High, the flurry of scouts at-  the home environment and fam-  make flights between San Diego,
        tending the Grossmont Baseball  ily unit during these visits.   Houston, and Los Angeles. Joe

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