Page 33 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 33

Women of Distinction

                 MELISSA TUCCI

        Official Realtor of the San Diego Padres

           We had the great pleasure   at the young age of ten when   in San Diego Padres history.
        of meeting Melissa Tucci over   she took her first job working   Apparently, our town’s favorite
        seven years ago, and we made   at a hot dog stand, and she has   team realizes what a Superstar
        an immediate connection with   been working ever since.  she is.
        her.  We loved not only what   So, what is it that makes   In addition, Melissa has been
        she did for the people of San   Melissa stand out amongst the   named one of San Diego’s Most
        Diego, but we also loved how   crowd? “The more time I spend   Influential Women in San Diego
        much care she showed to ev-  in this industry, the more I real-  Magazine and ranked as one of
        ery one of her clients.    ize that giving back to the com-  the Top 100 Agents in The Wall
           Melissa works tirelessly in   munity is an essential part of   Street Journal and Real Trends
        both the seller  and buyer po-  who I am and what I want to   Magazine. She has been ranked
        sitions. Her knowledge of the   accomplish.” Melissa donates   with Five Star Customer Service   to be actively involved in their
        many diverse neighborhoods   a portion of every commission   Satisfaction in Forbes and San   lives. Melissa is an avid runner
        within our town makes her a   earned to the San Diego Foun-  Diego Magazine.      and manages to make it a part
        valuable asset when it comes   dation.  This nonprofit helps   Melissa is also part of Sport-  of her daily schedule. One of her
        to the needs of her clientele.   fund many different charities,   star Relocation, a nationwide   daughters has graduated col-
        Her dedication doesn’t stop   and she also helps sponsor the   network of real estate agents   lege and begun her career; the
        there; Melissa makes a point of   San Diego Sports Association,   who assist with wealth man-  other two are still in school, so
        always being available when   which supports youth athlet-  agement and financial advising   she is conscious of always being
        needed. It is not unheard of to   ics and provides much-needed   in major league sports. In this   a great role model for her girls.
        find her on the phone late into   scholarships to the less fortu-  capacity, she helps connect fre-  Melissa has yet another proj-
        the evening ironing out the   nate.                    quently relocated athletes and   ect she has been nurturing: “I’m
        details of an  offer or review-  For those Padres fans, if you   find the best professionals to   building a 29,000 square foot
        ing the terms for a new home   have attended a game, you   make their moves less complex,   mixed-use  space.  It  has  twen-
        buyer. “I love what I do, and I   could not miss the large an-  as well as their clientele, family,   ty-two underground parking
        love always being available to   nouncement on the scoreboard   and friends.      spots, a restaurant, office space,
        my clients. Once they become   stating Melissa Tucci as the Offi-  Melissa has always enjoyed   and five townhomes that my
        a client, they become a friend,   cial Realtor of the San Diego Pa-  two distinct parts of her life:   husband and I will keep as va-
        and I will be there for them,   dres or see her rotating on the   her real estate career and her   cation rentals,” Melissa explains.
        not only during the buying or   television screens. Melissa has   family. As a dedicated wife and   “It’s really exciting to see this
        selling  process  but  long  after   held this distinct honor for the   the mother of three girls, and   come to fruition.” Completion
        should they need referrals for   past ten years and is the only   despite a hectic schedule, Me-  of this product is scheduled for
        renovations or have any ques-  Agent  to  hold  this  designation   lissa has always found the time   later this year.
        tions once they are in their                                                         I asked Melissa what is most
        new homes.” This is evident in                                                    important to her: “Enjoying time
        the level of  success that Me-                                                    with my husband, kids, and the
        lissa has accomplished. Not                                                       outdoors,  and  striving  to  be
        only has Melissa maintained                                                       a better person, a better role
        the position as a top agent in                                                    model, and a better Real Estate
        San Diego, but she has also                                                       Agent and Broker.”
        been  in  the  top  1%  of  REAL-                                                    We are so proud of Melissa
        TORS® nationally and the high-                                                    and happy to say that she has
        est-ranked Agent at Coldwell                                                      most definitely achieved her
        Banker for the past three years.                                                  goals.
        None of these accolades come
        without  a  great  dedication  to                                                    Melissa Goldstein Tucci
        her clients and a winning atti-                                                      Phone: 619-787-6852
           Born and raised in Chicago,                                             
        Melissa brings with her a Mid-
        western work ethic that started

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