Page 19 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 19


        difficult, but what force pos-  he grabbed my hand. The same   we should sit and talk. I think   sketchbooks. You really have a
        sesses someone to help a total   hand that was red with thin cuts   it'll make more sense once I   way with words and imagery!"
        stranger? I wanted to know.  and marks from the man who   explain."               I laughed, and he pushed the
           I gathered up what little   tried to take me off the bus to   We sat at a table in a nearby   book closer to me.
        courage I had and began to push   who knows where. My eyes were   coffee shop. "Do you want me   "I died when I was young.
        my way through the crowd.   filled with fear, no, something   to get you anything?" I asked.   Really young. So young that I
        Finally, I reached the very back   even deeper, as the boy's hand   "Thanks, but I never really drank   can't remember anything about
        of the bus and sat behind him.   fell right through. The blood ran   coffee while I was alive, so..." he   myself!" He glanced uncertain-
        I could see him glance back at   from my face. My jaw fell open,   replied, shrugging. I nodded,   ly at me, but the hope inside
        me through the reflection on the   my voice lost in utter confusion   getting up and walking over   his eyes was unmistakable. "If
        window. He turned pink when   as the bus prepared to drop me   to the counter. Once I finished   I manage to help you, I'll be
        he realized he had been caught.  off.                 ordering, the barista asked,   accepted into heaven and be
           He turned to face me, not   "Wait!" the boy cried in   "Are you on a call?" Confused,   able to remember! The thing is,
        bothering to pull off his head-  a desperate plea, "I know it's   I replied, "Excuse me?" The   I was too young to understand
        phones. “I just wanted to thank   your stop, but please don't go!"   barista moved her hair to reveal   what it was I'd be helping you
        you for helping me the other   The fear I was feeling shook   airpods. "Are you on a call?" she   with. It went in one ear and out
        day,” I said loudly, hoping he   my core. Was this some twisted   asked again, laughing. I nodded,   the other..." I scoffed as he said
        had heard me. He stared blankly   dream? Some twisted retelling of   smiling politely as I took the two   quickly, judging by the annoyed
        at me in reply. I pretended to   yesterday's events? The moment   iced coffees to the table. I hoped   look on my face, "But I do have
        pull headphones off my own   the doors opened, I ran. I moved   she didn’t notice my airpod-less   an idea of what has to be done!
        head. He slid them around his   faster than I had before. I looked   ears.        Are you– are you mad?" I shook
        neck, taking the hint. “I wanted   over my shoulder to see the   Once I was seated, the boy   my head, finishing the remains
        to thank you,” I repeated at a   boy only a few inches behind   smiled awkwardly. "Thanks   of my first coffee. "No, kinda.
        normal volume, “For helping   me, running at the same pace.   for thinking of me," he started   Maybe. Yeah... But, I mean,
        me when that man tried to drag   "I know what you're thinking,"   nervously, "But I couldn't drink   I've been fine without you." I
        me off the bus with him. I really   he tried, now running next to   it even if I wanted to." I laughed   said. He nodded in reply, then
        should have thanked you right   me. "No, you don't," I began,   as I took a sip from the cup.   announced, "Take a look at my
        after the incident, but I was just   "Now leave me alone." I quickly   "Oh! These are both for me! You   art." I laughed as I took the book
        so shook up.” He slowly began to   pivoted and began to run in the   know, to get through this con-  in my hands.
        turn pale, his eyes widening with  other direction. The boy didn't   versation." His mouth formed a   "Just not the more recent
        uncertainty. “Are you... okay?” I   miss a beat. "No, I know," his   small "O" shape as he nodded.   stuff," he said quickly, "My
        asked. He blinked once, twice,   soft voice rang in my ears, "That   "So..." I prompted, "What the   sketches are pretty far ahead
        before whispering in a single   man that tried to abduct you   heck? You're a person only I can   of your life. You could say I
        breath, “You shouldn’t be able to   unlocked something deep inside   see, and you know my every   know how your story ends."
        see me right now.”         of you. Something you thought   thought?!" His eyes widened,   He winked, and I nodded, but I
           I stared him down. “You’re   was locked away for good. I   and he leaned back in his chair.   didn't have it in me to open the
        joking.” I deadpanned. The   know it terrified you, that you   "Let's start from the top," I   book. I could barely lift the page.
        boy smirked at me, proceeding   thought it was over and that   decided. He nodded and pulled   The overwhelming fear in my
        to punch the old lady sitting   you'd been healed. But I've been   a sketchbook, his sketchbook he   chest was swallowing me. Did
        in front of him. I covered my   sent to help you finally close that   left on the bus, out of thin air. I   this boy know how I'd die? Did
        mouth as his fist flew straight   open wound." He ran backward   gaped at him. He laughed, scoot-  he warn me because it was bad?
        through the back of her head as   to face me, looking straight into   ing the book towards the center   "It's okay if you don't want
        if he wasn’t there at all.  my eyes as he said with a little   of the table, then said, "When   to see. I know this is all a lot to
           I felt the warmth rush out   more confidence, "I can help   I was a new ghost, I heard you   take in..." he mumbled softly. I
        of my face. I felt lightheaded.   you, Lotus."        in my head. I never heard your   gulped down my second coffee
        “Oh, my God.” I slowly began   I froze. "Who told you my   voice in the real world, though,   and replied, "No. I want to see.
        to leave my seat. He reached out   name?" I demanded. My voice   so I never had a face to put with   I might as well jump straight in
        towards me, a look of concern   was filled with heat, my eyes   the name. But that day on the   now because you sure as hell
        falling over his face. I automati-  shining with a hateful rage. The   bus, when you spoke for the first   aren't easing me in!" I opened
        cally dodged his reaching hands.   boy stopped running. "No one!"   time, trying to call for help and   the sketchbook to a random
        “Don't you dare!" I hissed, mov-  he cried out in surprise. Then   telling that man off, I recognized   page, peering at the illustra-
        ing towards the door, not daring   he snickered, "Actually, you   your voice! I finally found who   tion. It was me in a suit of lotus
        to take my eyes off of the boy. He  did." I scoffed. "When." "Every   you were! I finally found the one   petals, a crown of vines, and
        jumped up, moving through the   day. Ever since I died, I could   I was sent to help!" He sighed   lotus flowers resting on my thick
        people and seats as if they were   always hear your inner voice   deeply. His eyes looked from the   hair. I was sitting on a lily pad in
        made of nothing at all. I stum-  and thoughts!" he explained.   book back to me. "Every thought  the center of an empty, murky
        bled backward in surprise as   I narrowed my eyes. "Maybe   I heard after my life I drew in   pond. Around me were words in

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