Page 14 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 14
Women of Distinction
road, Angela is always
thinking of ways to im-
prove, whether it’s the
food menu or the wine
and beer selections. She
is already considering a
little redecorating and
possibly adding a few
more seats while still
maintaining the current
cozy ambiance.
Although she is a
very hands-on owner
who shares shifts with
her staff, Angela makes
time for her family and
her own interests. “It’s a
juggle,” she admits, but
she continues to enjoy
bike riding and spending
time on the beach or just
hanging out with girl-
friends when they visit
other establishments
where she might discov-
er a new idea or two.
bar open during the meet her own personal Hopefully, she
pandemic began to take expenses. In addition, does not stray too
its toll, and for about six an increase in private far from her original
months, she considered events has definitely vision. What Angela
selling the business. As saved the business. In has created has made a
she wavered about that addition to the steps huge impact on the El
decision, she realized she has taken, Angela Cerrito community. She
she was only undermin- attributes much of her has provided an inviting
ing herself and chose to progress to her loyal meeting place that had
stay focused on making employees. “Everyone long been absent. “I see
it work, which she has looks out for each new friendships and
continued to do. other,” she says proudly. connections made here
Angela has incor- “Angela looks out for all the time,” she says.
porated many features us,” Anthony validates. “People who would
to entice new customers “She is always very never talk to each other
and to accommodate flexible.” now hang out and do
her loyal new “friends.” While there still things together outside
She offers a variety of may be bumps in the the bar.”
entertainment that
includes a DJ, Karaoke So if you are looking for a warm, friendly, and
nights, and even live unpretentious spot to have a drink or a meal,
music. In addition, consider dropping in. The Alcove is located at
there are date night spe- 5540 El Cajon Blvd. in San Diego. Its current
cials consisting of pre- hours are 4:00 pm-10:00 pm on M-Th, 4:00 to
fixe meals that include whenever the doors close on Friday and Sat-
a bottle of wine. With urday, and 2:00 pm-9:00 pm on Sundays. As
its increased popularity, Angela always says, “If the lights are on, and the
Angela notes that “Since first year of being open break-even point, which door is open, come on in.” Visit the website at
the last few months of for business.” means Angela contin- to check the menus and
last year until now, this Financially, the ues to manage various learn about upcoming events.
actually feels like the wine bar is now at the dental offices so she can