Page 11 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 11
Women of Distinction
Her curiosity piqued, you?’ And he said, ‘Well, still cations such as The New York I was so upset,” she said. But
Wagman-Geller researched don’t quit your day job. We Times, The Washington Post, then she got the idea for
the book online and discov- get benefits.’” The Guardian, and The Tele- Behind Every Great Man: The
ered George was Metalious's She didn’t quit. The graph. When these sources Forgotten Women Behind
long-suffering husband. author laughed. “I was at my do not provide enough the World's Famous and
Unfortunately, it turned out, [teaching] job for 40 years!” information–such as when Infamous, and she knew she
the man had lost his job She continued writing, she researched Gandhi’s wasn’t ready to throw in the
as a high school principal too. More titles quickly wife, Kasturbai Mohandas towel. “It was so much fun. I
because of his wife's scandal- followed. She focused Gandhi, for her book on liked the idea for a book. I be-
ous book. George also ended each book on a unique women behind the men–she lieved in the concept. I had to
up raising the couple's chil- theme: world-changing turns to biographies. For Mrs. find another literary agent.”
dren alone because of Met- She was able to connect
alious's alcohol addiction. with an agent who shared
Even in better days, her passion for history. He
Wagman-Geller learned, secured a book deal with
Melalious wasn't focused on Sourcebooks. (Ironically,
housework and childrearing her editor there ended up
duties, preferring to con- leaving to take a job with
centrate on her writing. The Penguin. It’s an insular world,
dishes were rarely done. The publishing.)
food in the refrigerator was A fifth book idea in-
expired. These must have trigued Mango, a small press
been the reasons George with a female-centric list.
"knew so well," Wag- That book, Still I Rise: The
man-Geller realized. Persistence of Phenomenal
Discovering all this, she Women (Celebrating Wom-
was struck with the idea that en), celebrates women like
the story behind a book was Maya Angelou and Winnifred
often as interesting as the Mandela, who overcame dif-
book itself. So she started ficult–sometimes seemingly
exploring other dedica- insurmountable challeng-
tions of famous authors es–to become successful
such as F. Scott Fitzgerald luminaries and historical
and Ayn Rand. The more figures.
she explored, the more she ideas, famous couples, the Gandhi’s chapter, she found Her eleventh book, The
believed she'd hit on a viable women behind great men, a hagiography written by Secret Lives of Royal Women:
topic for a nonfiction book. phenomenal and/or privi- Kasturbai’s grandson. While Fascinating Biographies of
She told her husband leged women in history, and it was slanted to show her Queens, Princesses, Duchess-
about her book idea. Her royal women, to name just in a positive light, Wag- es, and other Regal Women,
husband's reaction? "Don’t a handful. The ideas for new man-Geller was able to glean is out now and covers the
quit your day job.” projects just kept coming. enough facts to create an fascinating secret lives of
Undeterred, she worked “The idea is every- enlightening and entertain- royals such as Princess Grace
on a book proposal and sent thing,” she told me when I ing chapter. of Monaco, Queen Noor,
it off to Penguin. They wrote inquired about her writing As for the business of Queen Elizabeth II, and more.
back with an acceptance– process. After coming up publishing, the author expe- Wagman-Geller herself
and a nice advance. Once with a potential theme, she rienced the usual shake-ups is an example of persistence.
Again to Zelda: The Stories brainstorms a list of historic inherent in the industry. Rather than give up when
Behind Literature's Most persons who fit the topic. After her first three books literary fiction didn’t pan out,
Intriguing Dedications came It’s also important that the came out, her agent decided she pivoted to nonfiction,
out in 2008, the beginning of subjects’ lives are interesting. to become an editor. At the found a publisher, and es-
Wagman-Geller’s career as a She explains: “Happy lives same time, the Penguin im- tablished the literary life she
historical nonfiction writer. make bad stories.” Schaden- print decided to focus more envisioned.
“One of the favorite freude, anyone? on craft and self-help rather To learn more about
moments of my life was Once she’s settled on a than history. Suddenly, the Marlene Wagman-Geller
getting a Penguin deal. I told list of people, she turns to author was adrift. and her writing, please
my husband, ‘Does Penguin online newspaper archives, “I didn’t have a publisher. visit https://marlenewag-
Publishing mean anything to specifically reputable publi- I didn’t have a literary agent.