Page 15 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 15
On Yahoo’s finance to Wikipedia, “Between 1946 didn’t know that. According Beach Boys ever thinking of
page some years ago, there and 1957, the Roadmaster to The Old Woodie website, themselves as stodgy.
was an article titled “What was Buick’s premium and “In their heyday, woodies If you own a Chevy or
Your Car Says About You.” best-appointed model.” May- were often the most expen- a Ford, I’ll have to explain
It’s from Forbes and was be he just had good taste. sive cars offered by a man- my numbers a bit because,
dated October ’09. In Forbes’ Wikipedia goes on to say, ufacturer, and many tallied according to Forbes, 25%
highly intelligent fashion, “The 1953 Buick Roadmas- impressive sales figures.” I (13% of Chevy drivers, 12%
it reports that driving a ter station wagon, Model 79- didn’t know Buick made a of Ford) of you don’t use the
Bentley indicates that you’re R, was the last wood-bodied Woodie, and I didn’t know a Internet. That’s an amazing
wealthy. Gee! Now there’s a station wagon mass-pro- Woodie was expensive, but finding. But if you find your-
revelation. A bit less obvious, duced in the United States.” I do know a Woodie is not self in that category, I can
it says that Buick owners Buick made a Woodie! I stodgy. I can’t imagine the help. I can teach you to use
are stodgy. As two-thirds the Internet in about 20 min-
of them are apparently over utes. And you’ll be hooked in
55, that may be a safe bet, less than an hour. Trust me
take issue with being labeled What Your Car on this. I came into the tech
although I personally would
world kicking and screaming,
stodgy simply because I am but it’s SO fun. Not as much
over 55. But then again, I’d MAY or MAY NOT fun as driving a four-speed
never buy a Buick. ohc, but fun.
My Dad used to have Truthfully, though, I’m
one, though, when I was Say About You no techie. I’m not a computer
little. It was called a Road- expert at all, but I do fancy
master. And at the time, he By Sharon Hightower myself as something of a car
wasn’t much more than a expert. And therefore, I can
whipper snapper. According take issue with much of the
Forbes report. I fancy myself
a car expert precisely because
I am over 55, which means
that I cut my teeth on the
muscle car - in my case, the
GTO. Fond memories, yet
just the other day, I saw what
may be my favorite bumper
sticker of the decade: “Offi-
cer, I wasn’t speeding. I was
I don’t know where the
Forbes’ author hails from, but
the data he cites was gathered
by a San Diego based “market
research outfit.” Now that is
hard to believe. In other parts
of this country, the car you
drive may reveal something
about you, but in California,
you are what you drive! And
I think “… you’re really look-
ing fine!”