Page 16 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 16
TOP W often debilitating emotions --- fear, breathwork, and
ith all the articles during COVID on ways to deal with
anxiety and stress – oh, and the cousin of those two
Breathwork meditation have certainly become bigger buzz words than ever
before in the wellness and self-care space as people everywhere
strive to recenter and recalibrate life on a daily basis.
and Mindfulness and spiritual wellness warrior, I’ve been working in this field for
As a passionate breathwork teacher and mental, physical
26 years and I tried all the modalities out there for getting “back
to good”.
After sifting through all of them, below are my top 7 tips
TIPS for using breathwork and mindfulness techniques to rise up to a
more calibrated and joyful state when these emotions try to take
you down.
to Release
Stress, Tip # 1 Tip #3
Anxiety The easiest and most acces- Practice moving meditations,
this is a different style than
sible of all. Simply take a big
traditional seated meditation
deep breath. My version of a
and big deep breath has a twist to and is done by simply becom-
it though. I like to add a deep
ing aware of your breath, your
Fear guttural sigh of release (and surroundings, your senses, and
relief) at the end of the breath.
each movement as you engage
in any regular activity through-
How to do it: out the day.
Start with a slow steady inhale
into the nose for a count of 3-4
seconds– filling the belly and Tip #4
the chest with oxygen – then
open the mouth and let out a 5 minute Trail of Gratitude
big guttural sigh for a count of practice - this is one of my
4-6 seconds. Make the sound favorites and is part of my daily
of one long HA or a series wellness routine. You can do
of HA HA HA’s or any other this seated or lying down - this
sound that feels cathartic. is how I end each breathwork
Relax everything as you repeat class I teach and it’s a beautiful
this 2-3 more times or until way to combine gratitude and
relief is felt. visualization (another powerful
mindfulness technique)
Tip #2 How to do it:
Picture yourself in your favorite
Create a daily mindful breath- place in nature, and see yourself
ing practice that consists of standing there - your bare feet
breath awareness exercises. The firmly rooted on the ground
goal of this type of breathwork beneath you.
is to get present with the inflow In front of you is a trail and
and outflow of the breath by it’s clear you are meant to walk
noticing the length of each down it.
breath, the sensations of the As you stand there, begin
By Rebecca Kordecki breath, and all the nuances that to see all of the people in your
life that have touched you,
take place with each wave of
Photos courtesy of Rebecca Kordecki the breath cycle. changed your life for the better,
deeply impacted you - all the