Page 12 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 12

Women of Distinction                              three months later was

                                                   Photos by Dom Gagliardi                     COVID-19 restrictions
                                                                                               forced to close due to

                                                                                               that were enacted. And
                                                                                               so began another twist
                                                                                               in Angela’s journey
                                                                                               of becoming a small
                                                                                               business owner that
                                                                                               would test her patience,
                                                                                               creativity, and determi-
                                                                                                   A Chula Vista
                                                                                               native, Angela did not
                                                                                               hesitate when asked
                                                                                               about her reasons for
                                                                                               opening a wine bar.
                                                                                               “I always recognized
                                                                                               my leadership abili-
                                                                                               ties and enjoyed being
                                                                                               around people. I always
                                                                                               liked playing host and
                                                                                               wanting to have fun.”
                                                                                               While these attributes
                                                                                               would foster what would
                                                                                               become her ultimate
                                                                                               dream, Angela’s employ-
                                                                                               ment history from the
                                                                                               time she left high school
                                     Nothing                             the vision for creating   also provided some nec-
                                                                                               essary skills to become
                                                                         a place for old and new
                                                                         friends to gather has
                                                                                               her own boss.
                                                                                                   While a dietician
                                   to Whine                              been the brainchild of   major in college, Angela
                                                                         owner and entrepreneur
                                                                                               began working in dental
                                                                         Angela Sandoval.
                                                                                               offices when she was 19
                                                                             Angela’s dream of
                                        About                            creating her own busi-  years old and quick-
                                                                                               ly moved into office
                                                                         ness was many years in
                                                                                               manager positions. Since
                                                                         the making, filled with
                                                                         unexpected personal
                                                                         challenges along the   she was earning very
                                                                                               good money, she did not
                                                                         way. But who could    complete college but has
                                          By Dom Gagliardi               have predicted that once  continued in this field
                                                                         that dream was about   for the last twenty-six
                                                                         to become a reality, all   years, although now
                                                       Just as its name   her planning and hope   on a part-time basis. A
                                                   suggests, The Alcove, a   for success could soon   doctor who appreciated
                                                   small intimate wine bar/  disappear because of a   her ability sent her to
                                                   restaurant tucked away   pandemic? Such was the   business seminars that
                                                   along a busy stretch of   case for many entre-  focused on how to set up
                                                   El Cajon Blvd. in San   preneurs who suffered   a business; communica-
                                                   Diego, has become     the misfortune of bad   tions; customer service;
                                                   a little gem for local   timing, but not so for   public relations; and
                                                   residents. Situated in   Angela. The Alcove   financial planning. This
                                                   the quiet El Cerrito   officially opened on   training would surely
                                                   neighborhood nestled   December 27, 2019, just   come in handy later on.
                                                   between Talmadge and   in time to ring in the   Angela often
                                                   the College District,   new year, but almost   frequented wine bars

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