Page 17 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 17

people you are grateful for, and   discomfort, stress, tightness, or
        see them one by one appearing   stuck energy along the way.
        on this trail of gratitude.    As you move up the body,
           Walk up to them, look deep   breathe into each new area and
        into their eyes and say “thank   see where you might need to
        you, I’m grateful for you” and   add some self-massage along
        give them a big hug for touching   with the warm water from the
        your life. Continue doing this   shower targeting that area. Take
        for 5 minutes or more and see   a few minutes to massage that
        how many people you can call   area until relief is found and the
        onto this trail of gratitude. This   body scan is complete.
        practice brings tears every time.
                                   Tip #6
        Tip #5
                                   A great way to start any day is
        Finally, another of my favorite   with what I call RAPfirmations
        wellness and mindfulness prac-  (my version of affirmations)
        tices involves combining some   This is taking your normal
        of the above (breathwork and   affirmations list (if you don’t
        visualizations) in the shower   have one start creating one by
        with the addition of self-mas-  writing out what you would
        sage for relaxation and stress   like to create for yourself in the
        relief.                    future in every realm of your
                                   life; physical, mental, emotional,
        How to do it:              spiritual, financial, and in your   Once you have YOUR list   Rather than instantly reacting to
        Start with some deep mind-  relationships.            I have found that singing or   a situation, someone else’s ener-
        ful breathing. Take a breath                          “rapping” them has created   gy, or the content you consume
        in through the nose and out   Examples are phrases like:   more of a connection to my   from a place of emotion, instead,
        through the mouth, making an   •  I am abundant and healthy in   affirmations practice over the   with each encounter you have -
        audible sigh on the exhale. Do   all my relationships.   last few years...seriously, give it   remember to take a deep breath,
        several cycles of these “deep sigh   •  I am creating magical master-  a try, you’ll see what I mean.   lean into the present moment
        breaths” - letting the sighs be   pieces with my passions and in                  (stay out of the past or present)
                                     my work.
        freeing, relaxing, and soothing.   •  I am in charge of the way I feel            drop reactivity and feel and
           Then do a body scan which   and the energy I create all day   Tip #7           breathe for at least 10 seconds.
        is simply starting at your feet   every day.                                      Allow yourself to respond or
        and working your way to the top   •  I am dancing into beautiful   Pay attention to the way you re-  react only when you feel a true
        of your head by checking in with   opportunities always.   spond or engage with the world   connection to your center.
        each area of your body for any   •  Etc.               around you throughout the day.
                                                                                             Give these tips a test drive
                                                                                          and let me know which one is
                                                                                          your favorite. But either way,
                                                                                          remember we are always one
                                                                                          deep breath away from feeling
                                                                                          lighter, freer, and more con-

                                                                                          To learn more about how
                                                                                          tapping into breathwork
                                                                                          and mindfulness techniques
                                                                                          change up-level your life
                                                                                          connect with me on Instagram
                                                                                          or visit my website

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