Page 39 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 39
by Jaime V. Habert Fabulous Finds
memories. Questions include, “What do about this purchase because it benefits your The product is formulated with Jojoba Oil to
you remember about the homes your fam- fur baby and the planet. If this brand rings a keep stubborn dry eyes away. The formula
ily has lived in?”, “What family story do you bell, it may be from their Shark Tank appear- they use is also vegan, cruelty-free, and
feel has to be preserved?” and “Who in your ance, where they impressed the sharks with paraben free. To check out all the Shades by
family does the wackiest things?”. These their ingenuity and created a bidding war Shan products, including lip sets, eyeshad-
inquiries are geared towards bridging the amongst the prominent investors. To view ow palettes, and contour, visit https://sb-
generational gap and having all your rela- a full video on the Cat Amazing Mega and
tives in on one big family conversation. learn more, visit
To shop all the Table Topics sets, visit 12. Coalatree Kachula Blanket today and be ready for the 11. Shades by Shan Beginning as a self-sustaining organic farm,
Holiday season or your next cocktail party! There is nothing better than heading to the Coalatree brand has always stood by its
work feeling like you can take on the day! “reap what you sow” mentality. In 2010, the
10. Cat Amazing Mega Our secret to feeling confident every day is founders wanted to create their own work-
If you’re like us, you’ve returned to the office Shades by Shan. This cosmetics line is filled wear and decided a sustainable fashion line
and are feeling a little guilty about the lack with exceptional products that not only was the answer. With success in this avenue,
of pet entertainment you can provide these look amazing but FEEL amazing. they have since expanded into outdoor gear
days. To apologize to the fur babies, we knew Started by two sisters, Shades by Shan and evolved into your favorite sustainable
we had to impress them with more than is now an extremely successful line carried lifestyle brand. One product we had the
just your average catnip concoction. Enter, in huge retailers and adored by the masses. pleasure of experiencing from Coalatree is
Cat Amazing! Cat Amazing is an interactive In their recent article with Forbes magazine, their Kachula Blanket.
ultimate treat hunt challenge box. This bore- they shared their joy over all 610 JCPenney This blanket has become our go-to
dom-beating box has three levels and 27 stores now carrying the cosmetics line. for camping trips and family picnics. Soft
sections of treat-hunting mayhem! Countless Raised by a single immigrant mother, these brushed nylon flannel makes it the perfect
strategically positioned holes of various women worked extremely hard to build outdoor blanket, and it folds into itself to
shapes and sizes in industrial-grade materials enviable careers even before their success- become a pillow for convenience and com-
that are insanely strong and kitty safe will ful product line emerged. fort. Made from 100% recycled materials,
keep your little one entertained for hours. Shan was an executive producer and there is even a snap that turns the blanket
Not only do we love the product, but personality for a popular San Francisco radio into an emergency poncho when rain unex-
it comes Veterinarian recommended as it show, while Erica worked in higher education pectedly makes an appearance. With a 50”
assists with mental stimulation, enrichment, and traveled the world. Now, these sisters are by 72” size, the Kachula Blanket has enough
active play and slows eating for proper conquering the retail world with Shades by space for two or more and weighs only 1
digestion. Founded in 2012, Cat Amazing Shan! One of our favorite products from the pound 9 ounces making it the perfect travel
products are award-winning and can be line is their Gel Eyeliner. The Gel Eyeliner from companion. If you are looking for a memo-
easily purchased on Amazon along with Shades By Shan lets you create ultra-de- rable gift for your favorite hiker, this is the
your weekly shopping list. fined eyeliner looks that won’t smudge. This item! With 15 different colors and prints,
Made with 100% plant-based and unique formula is creamy, long-wearing, and you can find the exact style your loved one
biodegradable materials, you’ll feel great delivers incredible one-stroke application. desires. To learn more about the Kachula