Page 40 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 40

Fabulous Finds                                                                              by Jaime V. Habert


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        Blanket and Coalatree’s extensive line of   your own duvet cover. To learn more about   vetted nonprofit organizations that serve
        sustainable clothing and outdoor prod-  Eli & Elm and treat yourself to a night in   the environment dealing with issues such as
        ucts, visit These   luxury, visit Also available   the climate crisis and sustainable methods
        amazing blankets can also be found on   on Amazon at   of energy production. Beyond the fact that
        Amazon at                                        Fringe is dedicated to making the world a
                                            14. Fringe Protein Bars              better place, this company offers an incredi-
        13. Eli & Elm                       I often find it extremely difficult to have a   bly delicious bar with all the health benefits
           Getting a proper night’s rest is one of   truly healthy snack on the go. Sure, many   you crave. To learn more about Fringe
        the best ways to have a good morning.   companies claim to offer healthy products,   and how you can get your hands on these
        With Eli & Elm, you’ll be ready to take on   but they are usually filled with preservatives   treats, visit
        the day! Eli & Elm offers incredible bedding   and excess sugar. Fringe is a company ded-
        that will make you drift off to sleep in no   icated to embodying truly healthy snacks.   15. Hot Logic
        time. Their signature Cotton Side-Sleeper   The founder, Hunter, experienced this same   If you have ever had a crazy busy work
        pillow is specifically contoured for support   frustration with finding snacks that kept him  week, you find yourself reaching for those
        of your head and neck. The U-shape design   satiated and met the needed criteria for his   granola bars and convenience store snacks
        of the Side-Sleeper pillow promotes spinal   active lifestyle.           that you can consume on the go, which
        alignment and alleviates neck pain. Remov-  As an avid surfer and outdoor enthusi-  throws your nutrition into a state of disar-
        able latex and polyester filling allow you to   ast, Hunter wanted a snack that contained   ray. The solution to this is Hot Logic. Hot
        adjust the pillow to your desired height and   simple ingredients, tasted great, and was a   Logic® is a portable food warmer that uses
        support level. The Eli and Elm Side-Sleeper   good energy source for his athletic endeav-  thermal technology to heat or cook your
        pillow is OEKO-TEX certified, so you can rest   ors. Fringe is unique because the bars are   food. The low, slow-conduction heating
        assured every component has been tested   gluten-free, plant-based, and utilize clean   pad means your food is reheated to the
        for harmful substances. After you experi-  ingredients with a base of reishi and cordy-  perfect temperature, with the perfect
        ence the comfort of an Eli & Elm pillow, you   ceps mushrooms. The creamy texture of   amount of moisture. The HOTLOGIC® mini
        will be ready to upgrade all your bedding   their popular Coconut Cashew Bar includes   allows you to reheat personal-sized meals
        to their brand. Our next recommendation is   15g of protein, 5g of fiber, adaptogens, and   that taste like they were just cooked. It also
        their luxurious weighted comforter. Made   0g added sugar. The bars are sweetened   comes with a reheatable plastic container.
        from 100% cotton fabric, Eli & Elm com-  naturally with dates and are free of preser-  The best part is all the fun color options
        forters are filled with thousands of micro   vatives, soy, seed oils, and dairy. If Coconut   you can choose from for your Hot Logic.
        glass beads evenly distributed throughout   is not your vibe, Fringe also offers Chocolate   We have shared this innovation through-
        the fabric to provide the perfect amount of   Almond Butter and Mango Hemp flavors.   out the office as we spend more time on
        weight for a calm and relaxing night’s sleep.   The company also offers a Sample Pack,   the road these days. Hot Logic also offers
        The quilted 300 thread count 100 % cotton   so you can try each flavor before ordering   a car heating adapter so you can plug into
        and sateen premium fabric will put you to   your case for only $10! Not to mention,   your 12V cigarette lighter to cook your
        sleep faster than you can imagine. With add-  Fringe is a member of 1% for the Planet. This   food in the safety of your vehicle when on
        ed loops at every corner, you can choose to   organization receives 1% of yearly gross   a road trip or caught between home and
        use this as a conventional blanket or add   sales from businesses. It gives to heavily   the office. If you are looking for a large-
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