Page 29 - Expert Issue 2015 (2)
P. 29
How to Thrive After Being Raised 2015: The Year of the Woman
by a Ghost Mother Poised on the edge of greatness, the time for a
new attitude and to embrace change is now
By Kathryn Rudlin, LCSW
By Shellie Hunt
Photos courtesy of Shellie Hunt
It’s 2015, we are women hear us roar. While there is little doubt that we one's attitude. Why is attitude so important
have come ‘A long way baby’– think Oprah, and Indira Gandhi, and Mother and why does the way we approach our lives
Teresa – as a gender we do have a ways to go. and ourselves make such a difference in the
results that we get in our lives?
It's all about making choices in this day and age whether it's in our per-
sonal lives or in business. Statistics from the Department for Professional If you want to change your results and fast
Employees, AFL-CIO, tells us, women for the first time in history make up track your success it all starts with attitude:
more than half of the professional and technical workforce in the United Our way of thinking affects our feelings, which in turn affects our behav-
States. However, there are areas to tackle and changes to enforce; such iors, which (ultimately) affects our results.
as striving to become as equally compensated as our male counterparts – The right perspective directly impacts how we mastermind with people;
be it in the small business environment or in Corporate America. The time how we engage in teamwork, what self image we nurture, and more
is now and yes, we are worth it. I know we can change the stats if we set importantly, which actions we undertake in our private lives in the world
our minds to it and lead by design. at large. Because if you convince yourself that something is out of your
reach, or outside of the scope of what you believe you deserve, you will
Important Stats not initiate actions toward making that real in your life
If you want to make a change, go ahead, because you're not here to
Consider these numbers from the National Association of Women Busi- play small, you are here to serve larger than life. Begin by changing or
ness Owners: revamping your attitude and perspective now. Before you know it, you will
be part of those NAWBO stats and reaching out your hand to help women
• There are 7.8 million women owned businesses in the United States all around the globe and making even more of a difference in the grand
which reflects a 20.1 percent increase from 2002 to 2007. scheme of things for all of us.
• Women-owned businesses make up more than half (52.0 percent) of all About Shellie Hunt -- Shellie Hunt's gift of transformational impact
businesses in healthcare and social assistance. has taken her clients beyond motivation to lasting results through
teaching the precise "How-to’s" in the designs of your success from
• The other top industries for women include educational services (45.9 the inside out. Her successes include global entrepreneur, life coach,
percent of all businesses are women-owned,) administrative and sup- international motivational speaker, trauma expert, author of the "Suc-
port and waste management and remediation services, (37.0 percent), cess is by Design" series, and TV executive producer. Shellie cur-
retail trade (34.4 percent), and arts, entertainment, and recreation (30.4 rently is a proud member of the Alliance of Women and Media, which 29
percent). promotes positive progress and change for women, and she is the
newest board member for the National Women's Political Caucus.
More about Shellie Hunt can be found at or
The Next Frontier
As a woman in business, I know it is more than possible to make a change or email
and propel these numbers even further with the right mindset, dedication
and networking. All it requires for positive progress and change is for a few
women to step forward in camaraderie. One woman can make a differ-
ence but a group of women can make a movement. It is time for us to join
together, mentor to and from other women, and lead into the next frontier.
For example, we assist women on a global level through our Women of
Global Change. But stateside we are helping women and their businesses
and lives become much more rewarding through ‘Success is by Design.’
As a business strategist, motivational speaker, and a women's leadership
advocate, I try to empower women to be the best they can be and show
them the steps on how to make it happen.
Women for Change
It all begins with changing your mindset - your attitude. You may have
heard of the ‘Law of Attraction,’ and how positive thoughts can make a
more positive result. However, there is more to the designs of success in-
cluding learning the proven how-to’s used in business and relationships, as
well as how these results can lead to even higher achievements. Ultimate-
ly, this can lead to additional wealth, happiness and a more fulfilled life.
One of the tips I often give to my clients – who range from CEOs in big
business to the smaller president of his or her own company – is to change