Page 31 - Expert Issue 2015 (2)
P. 31
Choosing Your Child's
By Jaime V. Habert
Photos Courtesy of Laurenn Barker
In today's technologically obsessed world, it seems that children are In Barker's popular book, "My New Puppy", we see the power of Lae
focused more on entertainment, than education. Keeping a child focused Lae's loving demeanor and her maturity when taking on the responsibil-
on the value of their education seems a daunting task but it doesn't ity of pet ownership. The traits, such as trustworthiness and account-
have to be. Choosing a form of literary entertainment which educates ability, displayed by Lae Lae are definitely admirable aspects of a main
effectively is an essential part of proper parental guidance, and with character.
tips from noted children's book author, Laurenn Prater Barker, it's never
been simpler. All of the Lae Lae books are about simple childhood experiences that
children will relate to. There are currently seven books in the Lae Lae
Tip #1: Pick A Topic of Interest to Your Child collection with more on the way. Each 44 page book features a simple
You have to look at what excites your child and where their passions lie. story, activities, fun facts and teachable moment suggestions.
If you find that every time you start making dinner, your child jumps up
to help, then perhaps picking a book which focuses on the topic of cook- Laurenn Prater Barker's tips for choosing your child's literature come
ing would be a good choice. You can get your child to learn about life from an impressive background. Barker held a high-level executive
through cooking, like in the Barker penned, "Cooking Fun". This book, position as a P.R. Director and blazed trails as the only female associ-
one within the delightful Lae Lae series, teaches children the importance ate within a prominent international consulting firm. After conquering the
of healthy foods and to safe cooking protocol with recipes from several corporate world, Barker followed her desire to express herself artistically
countries included in the book. Your kids are guaranteed to be hooked and became a full-time sculptor and custom jewelry designer where San Diego
on the entertaining interactions between Lae Lae and her mother as she recently completed commissioned pieces for Miss Rodeo USA and Woman
they cook up some fun! Mrs. Globe South Africa. Most importantly, however, she is a passion-
ate children's book author and illustrator. Barker's accomplishments are
Tip #2: Look for Important Lessons Within Your Literature the catalyst for creating a character of depth and intelligence for young
A life lesson is usually something that comes from experience, but children to relate to and learn from. Ms. Barker donates a percentage of 31
when you're between the ages of 2 and 6, they are generally few and her book proceeds to animal, environmental and children’s causes.
far between. This is why picking a book which educates your child on
an important aspect of life is so important. When going through school, To learn more about all of the Lae Lae Books or to order one for
children are faced with communicating with people who are different that special child in your life go to
than they are. The acknowledgement that we are all different and yet,
the same, is an integral part of personal growth. Locating a piece of
literature which teaches the lesson of acceptance within our world helps
children learn to relate to others.
In Barker's, "My Friend Timmy” Lae Lae meets a new friend named
Timmy who has special needs and learns how to be a supportive friend.
This book gives children the ability to empathize with the character of
Timmy through Lae Lae’s eyes and makes them aware of how similar all
kids are inside, and how they all have the same needs and desires.
Another book which expresses the importance of diversity is "My New
Friend" where Lae Lae is introduced to a girl from a different cultural
background. It is within this interaction that she learns about other na-
tionalities and their own special traditions.
Tip #3: Make Sure the Characters are Good Role Models
Often, children see characters within a story and want to emulate their
actions. The infamous flying scene in Peter Pan quickly comes to mind
as the perfect example of why we need to be aware of what fascinates
our children. Of course, that story taught the importance of accepting
responsibility and that growing up doesn't have to mean losing yourself
in the process. Good role models come in all forms, from sports icons to
everyday heroes, and it is important to display to children the reasons
why a character is worth admiring. Find out why their presence is admi-
rable and make sure to communicate that to your child.