Page 33 - Megan Reichman
P. 33
Hell, before making dinner each evening we even ask our to be a couple, to be part of a relationship, we now expect to
mates what they would like? We know what we want to eat, be brought into those decisions and asked for our opinions.
so why do we ask? We ask because we care. And that is To women it is a sign of intimacy, of trust for the big strong
why we complain when men refuse to communicate. We man to care what the woman in his life believes. We want
understand that you men out there are big strong creatures, to be heard, and we do want to hear you. So don’t be so
who do not need help from anyone, but we also realize that tough on us. We truthfully are only trying to help. And when
this attitude is often to your detriment. Most of us have we bring you with us to pick out shoes, don’t just grunt and
grown up with strong men in our lives, whether it be fathers, tell us to make our own decisions. We can’t buy shoes in
uncles or assorted relatives. These men made decisions, ten minutes; we often need a committee to decide. But one
acted upon them, and whether they were right or wrong they promise we can make is that we won’t ask you to accompa-
handled the outcome by themselves. Well when you sign on ny us on our shoe buying excursions during football season.
San Diego Woman
September/October 2010