Page 32 - Megan Reichman
P. 32

He Said, She Said

                                               Why Won't He Talk?

                                                                                   By Robert Tussey &  Judith A. Habert
                                                                                                Photo by Lisa K. Miller
                                                              Are men really from Mars and Women from Venus, as
                                                              author Dr. John Gray states in his bestselling book?
                                                              Do men and women really see things that differently?
                                                              If given the same question could their answers really
                                                              be so different? At San Diego Woman we wanted to
                                                              explore the differences between "them" and "us". Read
                                                              this month's installment and find out how the sexes
                                                              differ when it comes to communicating with each other.
                                                              What topics would you like to see us duke it out over in
                                                              upcoming issues? No topic is off limits, so write me at
                                                     I can't wait to hear from

     He Said...                                              She Said...

     I did a straw poll of about fifteen men friends (of varying   I have to say that you do have a point.  This is probably one
     backgrounds, educational levels and cultures), asking the   of the hardest counterpoints that I have had to face to date,
     question, “Do you get accused of not communicating with   because I, like many other women are guilty of the accu-
     your wife/girlfriend?” Their answers weren’t surprising:   sation.  It is tough for women as well.  Especially women
     They went from a meek, ‘yeah,’ to, “Are you kidding me?”  It   of a “certain age” brought up in a time when women were
 32 seems that no matter what a man says it is not an answer or   expected to speak softer than men and not always voice
     statement you ladies want to hear. We ask where you want
     to go for dinner and you say you don’t care. Once we’re   our true feelings.  When asked “Where would you like to go
     there…you know the rest. Vacations, weekend getaways,    eat?” I still have trouble voicing my preference.  Why you
     groceries, the list is endless and we wind up the culprit:    may ask?  Personally, as barbaric as it might seem, I was
     We’re controlling, manipulative, insensitive to your needs,   raised to feel that if the man is paying, he should make the
     and worst of all we don’t love you because we…again, you   decision.  I would not want to pick a pricey establishment
     know the rest.                                           that might be a burden, but quite frankly I have gotten into
     If you want to talk – say so. If you want direct answers – say   the habit of not deciding even if I am footing the bill.  Is it
     so.  If you’re angry – say so. We cannot read your minds   culture, upbringing, manners?  I am really not sure.  Maybe
     just as you can’t read ours.  Our lives are more complex and   it comes from bad experiences, having picked a place and
     busy today than they have ever been.  This requires cogent   the man in my life finding fault with every aspect of it from
     communication both ways.                                 food to service.  So if I don’t pick, I can’t be blamed if it is
     In the last decade women have started more businesses:   horrible.
     You are the new entrepreneurial leaders. More of you are
     graduating from college than ever before and are leaders
     of industry and Supreme Court Justices. The millennium   When it comes to communicating effectively between
     belongs to you yet you hang on to the old cliché of ‘you   sexes, well that’s an entirely different situation.  Women
     men don’t talk to us.’ Perhaps it’s because we’ve tried for   sometimes talk about everything, ad nauseam, men don’t.
     decades and the results haven’t changed.  Perhaps it’s just   Well, most men don’t.  Do women feel the need to talk
     easier to nod our heads.  But none of us want that.      about every element of their life out loud?  It appears that
     Therapists will tell you that communication is a two way   way.  But why?  Personally I think it stems from insecurity.
     street. Do you listen to us, or just hear us (the old maxim, if a   We are always fearful of making the wrong decision.  If we
     man is in the forest and says something, is he still wrong?)?    get five other people’s opinion before we make a decision
     We are simple creatures and will do anything for our ladies   and it turns out to be a bad one, well then we don’t have to
     (Alright, football season can be a bit of a stretch) but you   take the blame alone.  Throughout history there was rarely
     have to keep the playing field level and put away some of   a time when women had to appear strong and unwavering
     the old female stand-by attitudes.  Understand that men
     don’t need to say as much about a subject as women. We’re   in their decision process.
     not wired that way. We can buy shoes in ten minutes – and
     be happy about it.
                                                    September/October 2010
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