Page 27 - Megan Reichman
P. 27

Bitchin’ & Moaning

                                              Sign Off                                         By Judith A. Habert

        I have to admit, I am a bit of a stickler when it comes to   suppose to guess which days it will be closed and which
        signs.  Those of you who have read previous issues will note   days it will be open.  Or perhaps I should avoid this particular
        my total annoyance with sign twirlers, but this goes even   ramp onto the freeway altogether, to avoid my severe case
        deeper than that.  Sometimes I wonder who is it that is creat-  of disappointment when I attempt to enter and find out that
        ing these signs that appear all over town?              today is one of those intermittent days?
         For instance, the oth-                                                                  Sitting above my desk
        er day on a short trip                                                                   in my office promi-
        to take our post surgi-                                                                  nently displayed on
        cal dog for a car ride,                                                                  my bulletin board is
        because of course                                                                        a photo I took sev-
        he needs fresh air to                                                                    eral years ago, in my
        get all better, I came                                                                   days as a promotional
        upon the latest in                                                                       photographer for New
        a long line of signs                                                                     York Newsday, it
        that caused me to                                                                        simply says, “Lamp-
        giggle.  Upon arrival                                                                    shade parking here.”
        at a local shopping                                                                      Yes, it was found in
        area there was a sign                                                                    the parking lot of a
        prominently displayed                                                                    lampshade store, but
        at the entrance to                                                                       before you could real-
        the parking area.  It                                                                    ize what stores were
        read, “We make keys                                                                      in the shopping center,
        here.”  Now, you must                                                                    did drivers wonder why
        be asking why would                                                                      you would want to park  San Diego
        I find this funny.  Well,                                                                a lampshade in this     Woman
        with my somewhat                                                                         particular spot?
        sick sense of humor,                                                                     The dilemma of sig-
        I noted that nowhere                                                                     nage goes back some  27
        on the sign did it indi-                                                                 time and perhaps is
        cate where the “here”                                                                    evident with the now
        was.  For someone                                                                        famous construction
        not quite as heads                                                                       sign which many felt
        up as me, might they                                                                     was a severe disser-
        think that the keys                                                                      vice to the workers at
        were going to be                                                                         any given construction
        made right there in                                                                      site.  Okay, most of us
        front of the sign.  Or                                                                   have heard the nega-
        did they realize that                                                                    tive stereotypes about
        the sign was referring                                                                   government employ-
        to one of 15 stores in                                                                   ees, but was it really
        the shopping plaza.                                                                      necessary to post a
        Quite frankly the sign                                                                   sign claiming “Slow
        would have been                                                                          men working?”
        much more sensible                                                                       Perhaps I am just too
        had there been a                                                                         visual or maybe just
        tiny little man sitting                                                                  insane, but I feel that
        alongside the sign                                                                       reform is needed in the
        making keys.  But, alas there was not, so now you had to   sign industry and I am going to start a grassroots campaign
        guess which one of the stores was going to be making the   to make signs more accurate and less confusing.  With that
        keys.                                                   said, I suppose  I will just sign off.
        Another sign that always gets to me is “This ramp will be
        closed  intermittently starting October 15.”  Okay, so am I

                                                      September/October 2010
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