Page 28 - Megan Reichman
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Fit and Fabulous:

           The Busy Woman’s Guide to Healthy Living

                                                                                                By Cynthia Woods

    Today’s multi-tasking women have careers, carpools, kids   2. Keep from overeating by following these suggestions:
    and a slew of activities that keep them on the go. Staying   • Don’t skip meals.  Wait until you are truly hungry before you
    healthy should be a top priority, but these hard-working ladies  begin eating--even if it’s mealtime. Try to listen to your body
    are so busy taking care of everyone else that getting fit be-  for signals; if you eat when your body isn’t hungry, you won’t
    comes a last priority. Here are five easy strategies for incor-  be able to tell when you’ve had enough.
    porating healthy living into anyone’s busy lifestyle.    • Cut down the size of your proportions. Your stomach is the
    1 Five minutes                                                                        size of your fist, and a fist-
    of exercise every                                                                     sized portion is about all you
    two hours. “That’s                                                                    need to eat at each meal.
    all it takes to slow                                                                  • Don’t snack; develop the
    the aging process                                                                     fine art of passing on snack
    and prevent weight                                                                    foods when you aren’t
    gain,” says exer-                                                                     hungry. You can walk by that
    cise guru Terry                                                                       candy dish and not take one
    Bowers, a fitness                                                                     (oh yes you can!).
    expert whose clients                                                                  • Drink a large glass of wa-
    include many of the                                                                   ter before and during each
    doctors and scien-                                                                    meal. Water will help you to
    tists at the National                                                                 feel full. Besides, it’s great
    Institute of Health.                                                                  for your complexion.
    Studies show that
    two hours of inac-                                                                     Fast food, empty calories,
 28  tivity releases the                                                                  and stress eating are some
                                                                                          of the biggest reasons for
    stress hormone cor-
    tisol into the body.                                                                  increased weight and de-
    Cortisol is a neces-                                                                  creased energy.  “There is
    sary hormone that                                                                     pretty much no way around
    is produced by the                                                                    this one,” Bower’s says,
    adrenal system and                                                                    “if you want to lose weight
    gives us that spike                                                                   you’ll have to cut back on
    of energy in times                                                                    calories. Planning your
    of stress or fear. But                                                                meals is one way you can
    too much will cause                                                                   make sure that you won’t
    weight gain, internal                                                                 overeat.”
    organ stress, pre-
    mature aging, and a                                                                   To keep from overeat-
    suppressed im-                                                                        ing when you are bored,
    mune system. Daily                                                                    stressed, or feeling emo-
    exercise keeps the                                                                    tional, here is a suggestion;
    adrenal system                                                                        make a list of five things you
    functioning effi-                                                                     love to do that don’t involve
    ciently and reduces                                                                   food, like scrapbooking,
    the overproduction                                                                    reading, drawing, knitting,
    of cortisol.                                                                          etc. Instead of eating for
    The good news is                                                                      stress, boredom, or emo-
    that you don’t have                                                                   tional fulfillment, reach for
    to do an extensive                                                                    one of your hobbies, and if
    workout for it to be                                                                  they aren’t available, take
    effective! “Exercise is cumulative,” say Bowers, “Every hour   a 5 minute walk first or do lunges from the refrigerator to the
    or two take a five minute walk, jog, or do some housework   cabinet. It may not stop you from overeating, but it will at
    or gardening. You’ll have completed the equivalent of a full   least temporarily divert you from food.
    workout by the end of the day. Not only will it keep stress hor-
    mones at bay, but the diversion might keep you from reach-
    ing for that doughnut!”
                                               September/October 2010
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