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Celiac Disease

                                              The Unknown Enemy
                                                                                            Photos by Lisa K. Miller

     It’s not a sexy disease, and it therefore gets little recognition.    is that it is not always easy to determine what foods con-
     Most people have never heard of it, and those who have are   tain Gluten.  Gluten is found in all forms of wheat (including
     generally unsure what the symptoms are or how to tell if they   durum, semolina, spelt, kamut, einkorn and faro.) It is also
     might be suffering from it.  Those who have it (and know they   found in grains such as rye, barley and triticale.  Unfortu-
     have it) are finally relieved to know that there is a cure for the   nately, one of the problems is that food manufacturers don’t
     years of suffering they have endured.                   always provide the necessary information on their ingredient
     Only lately has Celiac Disease received any real recogni-  labels and Gluten can easily hide among “safe” foods.
     tion, thanks primarily to Elizabeth Hasselback of ABC’s “The
     View,” who has mentioned on several shows that she is a   So why isn’t this disease better known, and better under-
     sufferer of this disease.  It is estimated that currently one in   stood? Primarily because many of the symptoms are similar
     one hundred thirty-three                                                                to other diseases, so
     people in the United States                                                             those struck with Ce-
     know they have Celiac Dis-                                                              liac disease may blame
     ease. However, there are                                                                other reasons for their
     approximately two million                                                               suffering.  Some symp-
     Americans who have the                                                                  toms include recurring
     disease and do not even                                                                 abdominal pain, chronic
     know it.  It is also believed                                                           diarrhea or constipa-
     that if a family member                                                                 tion, unexplained weight
     suffers from this disease                                                               loss or weight gain, or
     the likelihood of being                                                                 unexplained joint pain or
     struck with the disease at                                                              fatigue. (See the sidebar
 30  some point in your life is                                                              for a more thorough list-
                                                                                             ing of symptoms)
     one in twenty-two.
     So what is Celiac Disease                                                               Can you live a normal
     and how do you know if                                                                  life with Celiac Disease?
     you have it?  Celiac                                                                    Yes, as long as you avoid
     Disease is a lifelong                                                                   the intake of Gluten
     digestive disorder that                                                                 products.  Luckily life has
     affects both adults and                                                                 become easier for Celiac
     children.  The main culprit                                                             sufferers thanks to those
     in this disease is Gluten.                                                              who have realized the
     When foods are eaten                                                                    need and created Gluten
     containing Gluten a toxic                                                               free products.  Deanna
     reaction occurs that affects                                                            Smith of Gluten Not In-
     the small intestine.  It is the                                                         cluded Bakery in Escon-
     villi, or tiny hair like                                                                dido is one of these in-
     projections in the small                                                                dividuals.  Ironically, she
     intestine that are responsi-                                                            came upon her desire to
     ble for absorbing nutrients                                                             help Celiac sufferers for
     from our food that become                                                               a very personal reason,
     damaged in those                                                                        “My cousin’s four year
     suffering from Celiac                                                                   old daughter Karlie was
     Disease.  When villi are                                                                diagnosed with Celiac
     damaged they cannot                                                                     disease and life suddenly
     effectively absorb basic                                                                became miserable for
     nutrients.  If left untreated,                                                          her.  She didn’t under-
     Celiac Disease can be                                                                   stand why she couldn’t
     chronic and life threatening                                                            join her friends for a
     causing a large number of possible nutritional and immune   peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or why she couldn’t enjoy
     related ailments.                                       the cupcakes or cookies that all of her friends were eating at
     Many people don’t even know what Gluten is or what foods   birthday celebrations.”  Karlie’s mom had purchased some
     contain it.  Gluten is the common name for proteins found in   Gluten free bread and cakes for her, but they were tasteless
     specific grains. The tough part about regulating this disease   and Karlie wouldn’t eat them.
                                                      September/October 2010
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