Page 17 - Mega Bridal Issue
P. 17

Transitions with Carol LeBeau


                                                                Kindness means looking for the good in all the ordinary dealings
                                                                with a partner.  My Tom may not be big into rose bouquets or
                                                                romantic poetry…but I never know when I’ll find my gas tank’s
                                             Tom and I              been topped off or the dry cleaning dropped off.  He even changes
                                             recently celebrated   the toilet paper roll!  (Sorry gals…and his brothers are taken!)
                                             our 27th wedding
                                             anniversary at a   Kindness also includes building positive experiences together.  I
                                             lovely waterfront   can count on Tom (who can’t even stand sand between his toes)
                                             restaurant with a                        to cheer for me on the beach as I compete in a rough water swim.
                                             spectacular view   Tom, on the other hand, loves golf…on the links and on tv.  I’d
                                             of San Diego Bay.    rather watch paint dry.  But it makes Tom happy.  And what do you
                                             It was a perfect   know, watching the US Open (with Tom’s personal commentary!) is
                                             evening. A stun-   actually a fun way to spend time together on a Sunday afternoon.
                                             ning sunset…
                                             fabulous food…     Some experts contend it’s important to tell your partner everything
                                             even our server    you feel, but kindness means some things simply don’t need to be
                                             was a delight.  In   said.   Marriage counselor, Daniel Wile, says there are some dif-
                                             fact, when young-  ferences, even annoying differences, in all relationships…even the
                                             Marissa learned it   very best.  “Most,” he contends, “can be quietly accepted as part of
        was our anniversary, she couldn’t wait to tell us all about the love   the relationship.”  Enough said.
        of her life.
                                                                We can also appreciate and acknowledge kindness from our
        As it turns out, Marissa is newly engaged.  She and her fiancé   partner.  It’s not that difficult to say thank you, but so easy to forget.
        plan to marry this summer. Her pretty face turned radiant as she   Not surprisingly, when I remember to thank Tom for a tender touch   San Diego
        described her Prince Charming.   “He’s super-smart and makes me   or doing the dishes, I’m likely to be on the receiving end of another   Woman
        laugh,” she effused.   As Marissa detailed his impressive list of at-  act of kindness .  Kindness begets kindness!
        tributes….good looks, athletic build, great job…I couldn’t stop from
        interjecting,  “He sounds wonderful, Marissa, but I’d love to know,   Finally, kindness involves helping each other.  That should go
        is your fiance’ kind?”                                  without saying, but it’s not always easy.  Selfishness and pride can  17
                                                                often keep couples from experiencing the joy of supporting one
        While she may not realize it right now, the answer to that question   another.
        could determine the success or failure of young Marissa’s
        marriage.   At her age, neither did I.                  If you want more out of your marriage, follow singer Glen Camp-
                                                                bell’s advice: “Try a little kindness.”  You can start by taking advan-
        Tom and I met on a blind date….dinner at Souplantation with the   tage of everyday opportunities:
        mutual friend who set us up!  Like Marissa, I was drawn to Tom’s
        many positive qualities…his athleticism, military background and   * Say “Good morning!”
        eyes so blue I could swim in them.  His cute, southern accent and   * Call during the day just to say hi.
        devilish sense of humor were irresistible.   But over time, it was   * Run an errand.
        Tom’s kind heart I grew to love.                        * Listen to your spouse and be quick with words of support and
        Good jobs can come and go.  Good looks mostly go.  And some-  * Speak gently and respectively
        times, during the tough times, it’s hard to have a sense of humor.    * Do favors.
        But kind words and actions are ageless and can soften the blow of   * Spend time together before going to sleep.
        most any difficult situation.
                                                                There are so many ways…planned and unplanned…to behave
        As a young woman, I had no idea the impact kindness could have   kindly toward your spouse.  The more you do, the closer and
        on a marriage.  For one thing, it’s contagious!   My tendency to be   healthier your relationship will be.
        picky, negative and cynical is often neutralized by Tom’s ability to
        be kind, even during times of conflict.                 As for Marissa, I’m excited about her upcoming nuptials.  It’s going
                                                                to be a magical day for the two young lovers.  My prayer is together
        Many experts extol the virtue of good communication in a marriage   they grow to find the magic can last if only they show each other a
        relationship.  But communication skills are effective only when both   little kindness.
        parties approach problems with a spirit of kindness.   With more
        than half of marriages ending in divorce, many scholars now agree   “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.
        the most important ingredient for a successful marriage is   If you want to be happy practice compassion.”  ~Dalai Lama
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