Page 18 - Mega Bridal Issue
P. 18
The Grand Tradition
Photos Courtesy of The Grand Tradition
There are some traditions that we all hold onto, but it took a local itself to huge expectations of a majestic venue. When you arrive at
Home Economics teacher to create an exciting new tradition that this wondrous location it becomes apparent, the name fits.
would become part of the lives of thousands of San Diego women. Although the concept was to revitalize the old farm house for this
Over the past 28 years Beverly McDougal has managed to become new venture, it soon became apparent that it would not work and
an integral part of the lives of San Diego Women and men on one before long the building was demolished and replaced with a new
of the most important days of their lives, their wedding day. structure. One of their only disagreements was the opposing de-
While lounging on her couch at home, preparing to start dinner, sires of Beverly and Mac as to what style this new building should
Beverly had an epiphany. She had been working at Fallbrook represent. With the mansion being built in Southern California Mac
High School as a home economics teacher. “I was teaching in the believed it should be a hacienda style. On the other hand, Beverly
vocational foods department and as part of the curriculum, I would believed the ideal design would be a Victorian Mansion. To Beverly
work with my students to help cater parties so they would have this was the epitome of romance. The couple, who enjoyed travel-
some real life experiences to take away with them when they left ing, kept finding themselves drawn to the Victorian design when-
my class. We did receptions and parties in boys and girls clubs, or ever they came upon a house of this style. In the end Beverly won
senior facilities, and an occasional wedding reception, but there and the construction of the “Beverly Mansion,” began.
was really nothing nice out there in which to host a party.” At the At the time there wasn’t much in Fallbrook, so the concept of build-
time her husband Earl (whom she affectionately refers to as Mac) ing a huge wedding venue was scoffed at by many of their friends
was working in real estate and had listed a 15 acre property in Fall- and business associates. There were two couples who believed
brook. It was a problem property requiring special permits and a lot in their vision and decided to join them on their journey. The six
of time to fix the complexities of the land. After attempting to sell it, friends not only put their hearts and souls into their new venture,
Mac decided to purchase it himself. Sitting on the property was an but long hours of hard work. “We did a lot of the work ourselves.
old farmhouse which was pretty run down. It was this house which We cut out all the railings that run along the porch by hand. We did
came to mind that fateful afternoon. Why not turn it into a beautiful all the scales outside the building. One of the couples had a big
venue for brides in the area to celebrate their special day. When barn and we set up shop there. It took about a year from the time
Mac got home from work Beverly excitedly shared her idea, half ex- we drew our permit until we finished. We were all so determined to
pecting him to protest and tell her she was crazy. To her relief, Mac make this a magnificent place that all three couples worked day and
thought about it and agreed that it sounded like a good idea. Thus night.”
began the legacy of The Grand Tradition. The regal name lends