Page 42 - Fashion issue
P. 42
Honey Chaser
There have been few met with many
books in which I have obstacles along the
been totally enthralled, way. This writer
Honey Chaser is one of knows very well how
these books. The story to construct a story to
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42 Honey Chaser involves i Listings
Simone’s main charac-
ter Sheila Washington i Buyers Agent
who is being chased by
three men: the ghost of
a deceased sweetheart, i Investment Property
his murderer, and a new
lover. She fears the
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After several years of Direct: 858.603.2040 Email:
therapy Sheila finds herself more comfortable
without planting roots anywhere. She feels
safer being on the move, and travels from city to
city, living like a vagabond. It is the unexpected
romance of Darren Abruzzo, a suave Italian-
Filipino attorney, who makes her life take a turn.
After spending so much time alone and on the
run, she finds she cannot resist the advances
of Darren. Darren is captivated by her beauty.
She’s an alluring puzzle he must seduce and
Sheila soon discovers the multi-lingual at-
torney’s talent with his tongue isn’t limited to
romance languages. After three romantic days
in Darren’s arms, Sheila resumes her plans
and heads from Albuquerque to San Diego.
Darren is determined to not only get her back to
Albuquerque, but to win her guarded heart.
She does end up falling for him, but is haunted
by her past and is in constant danger. Their at-
tempts to reunite and lead a normal life are