Page 31 - San Diego Woman Amy Haber Issue
P. 31

Women of Distinction

        went to a conference and real-  en authors. She Writes Press   Anne goes on a road trip to   and at her ranch in Descanso,
        ized I wasn’t ready to put it out   accepted Jill’s novel, and The   Flagstaff, AZ, looking for   CA. Jill also writes a blog she
        there,” Jill says. “I put the book   Black Velvet Coat was pub-  spiritual guidance. Anne finds   calls “Crealivity: The Art of
        aside for a couple of years,”   lished in 2015. “I was one of   the corset once encountered by   Practicing a Creative Lifestyle”
           Instead, she detoured   their trailblazers,” Jill says.  She   Sally Sue, a naive young wom-  through which she hopes to
        into poetry. Her teacher, Steve   Writes Press now boasts 500   an who in 1885 is kidnapped   inspire people to follow their
        Kowit, encouraged her to   authors and was named Indie   on a train by a handsome out-  creative path.
        submit her poems. She began   Publisher of the Year in 2019.   law. Jill even hired a costumer   “I don’t believe you are an
        to be published which boosted   Two more books in Jill’s   to make a green lace corset for   artist just when you are in the
        her confidence. A couple of   series appeared over the next   her to wear to her book launch   studio or have your journal in
        years later, as her 60th birth-  five years. The Silver Shoes   at Warwick’s, which unfortu-  front of you,” Jill muses. “I’m
        day approached, two friends   (2018) is another dual-timeline  nately had to be transitioned to  an artist all the time, and as an
        suggested that it was time to do  story featuring artist Anne   Zoom due to the pandemic.  intuitive artist, I use my heart
        something with the novel she   McFarland and a 1920s flapper   The novels and the series   not my brain.”
        had stashed away. Jill remem-  turned burlesque dancer by the  have received eight awards, in-  Success, she believes,
        bers, “I sat down with my   name of Claire Devereaux. The   cluding the American Fiction   happens if you follow your
        mentor, Judy, and asked, ‘What   connection between the stories   Award in Women’s Fiction. Jill   intuition and creative impulse,
        should I do?’ I didn’t have the   occurs when Anne wanders   is now at work on a new stand-  not trends.  “I don’t believe you
        knowledge to self-publish, and   into a New York antique shop   alone novel set in, you guessed   have to be a starving artist in
        I didn’t have the years it might   and spots a pair of sparkly   it, San Diego!   order to create. If you create
        take to secure a traditional   dance shoes that once be-  In addition to teaching   from the heart, if it’s meant to
        publishing contract.”      longed to Claire.          workshops at Writers, Ink,   be, it will fall into place.”
           Judy suggested She Writes   The Anne character
        Press, a newly-formed hybrid   continued to haunt Jill. In The   To learn more about Jill G. Hall, her workshops, her upcoming
        publishing company for wom-  Green Lace Corset (2020),   appearances, and her books, visit her website

                                    Maggie Ramos es la multi-tal-  Maggie  Ramos  is  the
                                entosa autora de Tus Pensamien-  multi-talented author of
                                tos,  Sentimientos  Y  Esencia Son   Your Thoughts, Feelings
                                Nuestros (Your Thoughts, Feelings   and Essence Became Ours
                                and Essence Became Ours)  (Au-  (AuthorHouse, 2021). Her
                                thorHouse, 2021). Sus fotografías   photography and works
                                y obras de arte han aparecido en   of  art  have  appeared  in
                                Formes Collection y Tidepools. Un   Formes Collection and
                                Diario de Ideas (— A Journal of   Tidepools—A Journal of
                                Ideas.) Su trabajo —poesía, artícu-  Ideas. Her work—poet-
                                los, fotografías y entrevistas— apa-  ry, articles, photogra-
                                recen  regularmente  en  San  Diego   phy, and interviews—ap-
                                Woman Magazine. Maggie está tra-  pear regularly in San Diego Woman
                                bajando actualmente en, Intuitions   Magazine. Maggie is currently
                                / Intuiciones, su segunda colección   working on, Intuitions/Intuiciones,
                                de poesía. Ella vive en San Diego,   her second poetry collection. She
                                California, con su familia. Para ob-  lives in San Diego, California, with
                                tener más información sobre Mag-  her family. To learn more about
                                gie Ramos, síguela en Instagram @  Maggie Ramos, follow her on Ins-
                                intuitions7471.  Pueden  comprar   tagram @intuitions7471.  You can
                                su libro en Amazon o en Author-  also purchase her book on Amazon

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