Page 2 - Raymond Dale Asset Protection Advisors Brochure
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A s you will see in your dealers, major investment banks and 2. Foreclosure and bank owned
properties that provide an opportunity
review of our Memo-
brokerage firms, leading mortgage
originators, specialty investment deal-
randum, we believe we
to buy real estate at attractive valua-
have assembled a team
and a development concept that will ers, and financial sponsors. tions. Azimuth’s ability to evaluate the
These long-term relationships give ac-
quality of targeted asset investment
generate substantial returns for our cess to a unique, privileged pipeline of opportunities, and to employ the
investors. high-quality investment opportunities. appropriate hedging strategies, can
provide substantial short term profits.
Traditional lenders are vacating the Azimuth will primarily be an asset-
lending business, now is a prime op- based lender looking for substantial 3. Subprime lending markets looking
portunity to strategically invest in real current equity in the loans that it to liquidate portfolios will provide the
estate. wishes to acquire. The desired invest- opportunity to acquire tranches or
ment portfolio will be comprised of loans at substantially reduced values.
Azimuth is a real estate company high-quality residential and commer-
that is positioned to take advantage cial mortgage and real estate proper- Based on rigorous quantitative and
of the current real estate climate by ties, which should provide investors qualitative analysis through its credit-
seeking out, and investing in, at- with diversification across a variety of based investment approach, Azimuth
tractive commercial and residential real estate and other asset classes. will source and screen these opportu-
mortgage loans, and commercial nities to assess investment suitability,
and residential properties. Azimuth’s Azimuth will source residential minimize principal loss, and maximize
goal is to offer its investors attractive mortgage loans directly from origina- risk-adjusted returns.
risk-adjusted returns by investing in tors, which it believes will provide
quick turnaround properties, builder attractively priced and differentiated
and developer bail outs, and through assets. This strategy focuses on three
earned interest on loan portfolios and aspects of the current market:
capital appreciation.
1. High-quality real estate asset
Azimuth’s co-managers have spent mortgage loans that provide the op-
more than 80 years developing portunity to generate attractive, stable 132 N. El Camino Real, #358
strategic relationships with financial returns with short-term interest rates Encinitas, California 92024
intermediaries including primary in the range of 8-12% net to investors. (858) 455-0500 |
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