Page 4 - Raymond Dale Asset Protection Advisors Brochure
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Reduced Risk                    Investing in the Fund provides participation in multiple loans and properties.
                                               The Fund will raise $100,000,000 with no single investment of greater value
                                               than 10 million dollars. This allows for an ownership interest secured by 10, 20
                                               or more investments. The result is dramatically reduced risk due to diversifica-
                                               tion, as well as stability, since the Fund will invest in loans and properties at
                                               deep discounts.

               Preferred Return                Investor’s received a preferred cumulative return of 8% APR before manage-
                                               ment participates in the profits.

               Performance Fee and             Besides a small management fee, the managers will receive a performanc
               Profit Share                    fee of 25% of the profits after the investors receive their 8% APR cumulative
                                               preferred return, and 75% of the profits go to the investors.

               Monthly Cash Distribution       The investor may choose to have monthly distributions. That will provide for an
               Option                          ongoing cash flow to help plan future retirement or college funding for children
                                               and grandchildren.

               Compounding Returns             Income can be reinvested back into the Fund to achieve the benefit of com-

                                               pounding returns.

               Simplified Investing            Azimuth’s management team will continually make investments in the Fund’s
                                               name. This removes the burden of having to review each offering, which can
                                               often result in missed opportunities if out of town or lacking liquidity at the time
                                               of the offering.

               Increasing Revenue              Since the Fund will invest primarily in short term loans, a rise in interest rates
                                               will directly benefit the investors.

               No Volatility                   Unlike Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS), that trade on the stock exchang-

                                               es, this is a private fund, so stock and bond market volatility will not affect the
                                               principal of the investments.

               May Reduce estate Taxes         Since this investment is in a pooled account, the investment may qualify for a
                                               discount for estate planning purposes much like a Family Limited Partnership
                                               does. We strongly advise contacting an attorney about this feature.

               No Formation Costs to           Unlike many mutual funds, or other investment partnerships, there are no
               Investors                       formation costs ascribed to the Fund. All legal, accounting and registrations
                                               fees have been paid by Azimuth’s Managers. That means more invested dollars
                                               go directly into loans and properties.

                                                                                                  Azimuth Realty Opportunity Fund
                                                                                                  132 N. El Camino Real, #358
                                                                                                  Encinitas, California 92024
                                                                                                  (858) 455-0500 |
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