Page 6 - Raymond Dale Asset Protection Advisors Brochure
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Raymond Dale has spent the past the early stages of the award winning acquire loans at substantially reduced
35 years as a Certified Financial Blackhawk Country Club in Danville values. It is presently anticipated that
Planner, Investment Advisor and California. such acquisitions would be by tranch-
Realtor. He has overseen the invest- es of five to ten million dollars.
ment of $250,000,000 in stocks, The Manger also has formed an
bonds, mutual funds and real estate Advisory Committee of other experi- Investment Process—
portfolios. He has served on the enced and well-qualified executives Based upon the experience and
boards of directors of several securi- helping to form strategic relationships resources of the Manager, the invest-
ties firms, served on the RIA Advisory and partnerships that will benefit the ment process will include sourcing
Board of Charles Schwab & Co., and Fund. Additionally, Management has and screening of investment opportu-
was a Premier Consultant with SEI established portfolio management nities, assessing investment suitability,
Trust and Asset Mark Investment resources for each of its targeted conducting credit and prepayment
Advisors. Twenty of these years were asset classes. The current Advisory analysis, evaluating cash flow and col-
spent as Chief Executive Officer of Committee members are contained in lateral performance, reviewing legal
Investment Selection & Management, these presentation materials. structure in order to seek an attractive
Inc. a SEC Registered Investment return commensurate with risk of any
Advisor. Since 1970, his real estate Investment Strategy— investment. Upon identification of an
experience has included traditional The Fund strategy intends to capital- investment opportunity, the investment
brokerage, subdivision development ize upon three aspects of the current will be screened and monitored by
and commercial and residential build- market cycle. the Manager to determine its impact
ing and lending. upon the total portfolio objectives. The
First, due in part to traditional lend- Fund will seek to make investments in
Robert Cunningham has been ers vacating the lending business, those sectors in which the Manager
engaged in construction and real the Fund’s focus on high-quality real possesses strong core competencies
estate management since 1971. estate asset mortgage loans should and where the Company believes that
During this period he has participated provide it with the opportunity to gen- credit risk and expected performance
in over $500 million in real estate erate attractive, stable returns with can be addressed in a responsible
and informed manner.
development and finance, and cur- short-term interest rates currently esti-
rently is the Managing Partner and mated to be in the range of 8-12%. The Manager will evaluate each
major equity holder in 775 unit custom investment opportunity based upon
home subdivision in Los Angeles, Second, its focus on foreclosed and its expected risk-adjusted return rela-
California. Additionally, since 1986 bank-owned properties will provide tive to the returns available from other
he has been the President and Chief the Fund with an opportunity to pur- comparable investments. In addition,
Executive Officer of Placer Financial chase real estate at attractive valua- new opportunities will be evaluated
Group, a California real estate com- tions. The Manager believes that with based upon their expected returns
pany with emphasis on residential appropriate hedging strategies, as compared to comparable investments
and commercial property finance. Mr. well as its unique ability to evaluate being held in the Fund’s portfolios.
Cunningham was formerly President the quality of the particular properties, The terms and conditions of any
and Chief Executive Officer of it can reduce risks and provide attrac- leveraged debt available to the Fund
Cunningham Pacific Corp., a family tive risk-adjusted returns. will also be taken into consideration
owned engineering and contracting as well as any risks posed by illiquid-
firm. He was also a founding partner Third, with substantial cash assets ity, or correlations with other portfolio
in Cypress Homes, one of Northern and the subprime lending markets investments.
California’s more notable custom looking to liquidate portfolios, the
home builders, and participated in Fund should be in a position to
NOTe: This is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation to purchase any security. Such an offer may Azimuth Realty Opportunity Fund
only be made by means of a private placement memorandum. No guarantees, offering or promises 132 N. El Camino Real, #358
are hereby made, nor implied. All investments have risk. A description of the risks that could impact Encinitas, California 92024
the Fund’s performance is contained in the Fund’s Confidential Private Placement Memorandum. (858) 455-0500 |