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P. 5

Azimuth Fund


               Azimuth Realty Opportunity
               Fund I, LLC is a specialty real
               estate investment fund formed August
               8, 2007, as a Delaware limited liability
               company for the purpose of invest-
               ing in commercial and residential
               mortgage loans and commercial and
               residential properties.

               The Fund desires to take advantage of
               the investment opportunities afforded
               by the current unrest in the bank-
               ing and financial services industries.
               Lending institutions, builders, hedge
               funds, and holding companies pos-  The Fund’s management team has a long history of strong performance
               sess substantial numbers of defaulted
               loans and properties acquired through   experienced Investment   financing and leveraging strategies
               foreclosures and otherwise. It is in   Advisor—                 and investment guidelines.
               their best interest to dispose of these
               assets as soon as possible.     The co-managers of the Fund     The Manager of the Fund is Azimuth
                                               Manager have a long history of strong   Realty Advisors LLC (“Manager”),
               The plan of the Fund Management   performance across a broad range of   which has been retained by pursu-
               is to maximize this opportunity for its   fixed-income assets including a variety   ant to the Management Agreement
               investors. The Manager will be com-  of mortgage and real estate-related   set forth as Exhibit D in the Private
               peting with many other investment   securities. Its executives have had   Placement Memorandum. Its co-man-
               managers for profitable investment   experience managing assets through   agers are Raymond Dale Realty and
               opportunities. However, the Manager   a variety of economic cycles.   Retirement Advisors, LLC (“RDRRA”)
               has close relationships with a diverse                          and Cunningham Development
               group of financial intermediaries rang-  This experience together with selected  Company, LLC (“CDC”). RDRRA is a
               ing from primary dealers, major invest-  strategic alliances should provide the   California real estate advisory com-
               ment banks, and brokerage firms to   Fund with a competitive advantage   pany and is also presently pursuing
               leading mortgage originators, specialty  relative to companies that do not pos-  licensure as a California commercial
               investment dealers and financial spon- sess such experience. This will be   lender. Its chief executive officer is
               sors. It is anticipated that the Fund   enhanced by establishment of one   Raymond Dale.
               will benefit from these relationships,   or more advisory committees, which
               the Manager’s analytical and portfolio   will consult with the Manager from   CDC is a California real estate devel-
               management expertise, experience,   time to time with respect to the Fund’s  opment firm. Its chief executive officer
               and technology.                 investment policies, portfolio holdings,  is Robert Cunningham.

                                                                                                  Azimuth Realty Opportunity Fund
                                                                                                  132 N. El Camino Real, #358
                                                                                                  Encinitas, California 92024
                                                                                                  (858) 455-0500 |
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