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Top Women in Real Estate

            HEN MOST OF US THINK   does not have the financial   ended abruptly when she had   was one fact that Gloria never
        Wof a real estate transac-  means to support the home,   an injury at work, and her boss   expected, she hated dentistry.
        tion, there is excitement and   she and her children may end   fired her because she could   After working as a dental assis-
        anticipation, not to mention   up homeless. I come in before   no longer do the job to his   tant for a year and a half, she
        the thrill of redecorating a   decisions such as these are   satisfaction. Gloria had no idea   found herself confused as to
        new home, but not all real   made, to work with the family   of her rights at the time, so she  what to do with her future. Up
        estate transactions are met   and their legal counsel, to be   was now without a job and   to this point, the only field she
        with the same emotions. There  sure that all facts are consid-  soon to be homeless. Luckily   had considered was dentistry.
        are times when a home must   ered before a choice is made.”  Gloria had a friend who lived   She continued working as a
        be sold due to a dissolution   Gloria knows how import-  in San Diego, and knowing of   dental assistant but also took
        of marriage or a passing of a   ant stability is for a child hav-  her predicament invited her to   on a job as a waitress to sub-
        loved one. This, I must admit,   ing come from less than stable   come to stay with her. “I didn’t   sidize her income. One of her
        is an area of real estate that                                                    regulars at her waitressing job
        I never really thought much                                                       in La Jolla noticed her sales
        about before, until I had the                                                     ability and offered her a job
        great pleasure of meeting and                                                     working for him in car sales.
        getting to know Gloria Roma.                                                      "This was a really big turning
        Gloria is probably one of the                                                     point in my life. I worked in
        most compassionate women                                                          the finance department and
        I have had the pleasure of                                                        suddenly I was making a lot of
        interviewing over the 13 years                                                    money. I worked my way up in
        of our magazine's existence.                                                      the finance department to the
           In addition to the two                                                         top job as Director of Finance.
        important areas of real estate                                                    The reality, however, was that I
        that I mentioned above, Gloria                                                    was making a great salary, but
        also spent many years helping                                                     I still hated what I was doing."
        military families with reloca-                                                       Along the way, Gloria
        tion and still does some of this                                                  had felt intrigued by the Real
        today. "I've been working in                                                      Estate field and had studied
        real estate since 1998, so many                                                   and obtained her license, so
        of my original clients are into                                                   not knowing what to do, she
        buying their second or third                                                      quit her job at the Car dealer-
        homes, but many of them are                                                       ship and started working in
        also faced with a loved one                                                       Real Estate. In the meantime,
        dying or needing to move into                                                     Gloria had met the man of her
        an assisted living situation, or   Gloria Roma                                    dreams, had gotten married,
        sometimes the dissolution of                                                      and life was good. She was at
        a marriage. This leaves families                                                  her new job in real estate for
        burdened and unsure how to               By Judith A. Habert                      two weeks when she found
        handle the property that is                                                       out that she was expecting her
        often at the center of these life       Photos courtesy of Gloria Roma            first child. "My husband at the
        events.”                                                                          time had just started a new
           Gloria understands the   beginnings. Gloria left home   know her that well and wasn’t   job, and the money wasn't
        ramifications that can be a   at the age of 12, due to an   sure if I should take her up on   great in the beginning, so I
        result of taking the wrong   abusive situation and ended   the offer, but at the time it was   knew I had no option but to
        path when dealing with these   up in foster care. Unfortunate-  my only option, so I moved   succeed in Real Estate. Unsure
        events. "Sometimes, during   ly, her luck was no better in   from Northern California,   if I could bring myself to leave
        a dissolution of marriage,   the foster homes to which she   where I grew up, to San Diego.”  my newborn, I knew that I had
        the wife may be dead set on   was sent, and at the age of 17,   Gloria worked at various   nine months to sell as many
        keeping the house to allow   she was emancipated. So, if   jobs saving up to attend   homes as I could. Luckily, I was
        her children's lives to remain   anyone knows how important   college. She had decided she   immensely successful in those
        as unaffected as possible by   a stable home is to a family, it   wanted to become a den-  nine months."
        the divorce. They may strong-  is Gloria.              tist, so she enrolled at Mesa   Gloria hired a nanny and
        ly advocate for keeping the   At the age of 17, Gloria   College where she earned her   remained active in real estate.
        family home. The reality of   went on to obtain a string of   AS degree, then transferred to   Her business grew consid-
        doing so, may, in fact, be their   jobs aimed at simply sup-  Point Loma Nazarene and fi-  erably every year. Things
        worst decisions. If the woman   porting herself. A waitress job   nally ended up at SDSU. There   were going great until she

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