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Top Women in Real Estate

        found out that her child had a   ence. This is an area of real   often involves going into the   the first charity that I really
        serious learning disability and   estate that you can’t mess up,   home, inspecting the contents   supported, because I resonat-
        Gloria had a choice to make,   peoples future are involved.   and making suggestions to   ed with them, you know, and
        by then her husband’s job was   So, I began taking courses and   the family as to the various   I still go to their functions and
        on the trajectory for which he   getting designations such as   options they have for a swift   support them. More recently,
        had hoped, so she quit real   the Real Estate Collaboration   transition. She often ends up   I have also gotten involved
        estate to stay at home with   Specialist – Divorce™ (RCS-D™)   running estate sales or do-  with charities that work to
        her child. Gloria had a second   Designation. I wanted to learn   nating the contents, thereby   end human trafficking. I am
        child during this time and   everything possible to be a   taking the burden off the   really compelled to help
        managed to stay at home until   valuable asset to those going   family at a rough juncture in   those children, because they
        her youngest was in school.   through these tough times,   their lives.           are truly innocent victims
           Though she cherished    and I continue to learn more   Gloria Roma is the kind   thrown into an unimaginable
        her time with her children,   every day."              of Real Estate Agent that at   situation.”

        something was missing for     “I get involved early in the   some point in our lives most   Recent studies show the
        Gloria. “I found that I really   process. I work collaborative-  of us need and would be   staggering statistics. Many
        love working. I really love be-  ly with the family I find that   lucky to have. Aside from all   people do not believe that San
        ing with my babies, but I really   when you work collaborative-  the good she does every day   Diego has a human trafficking
        love to work too. Working fills   ly, there's no litigation. I find   in her professional life, she   problem. Unfortunately, we do.
        my soul” Re-evaluating her   gaps that exist and help to   has not forgotten her humble   There are between 8,830 and
        approach to real estate; she   resolve them early in the pro-  beginnings. She has a passion   11,773 victims of human traf-
        soon realized that there were   cess. Everybody agrees there's   for children and helping them   ficking in San Diego County.
        some very important ways   no litigation. Both spouses   have a better start than she   Over the past several years, San
        she could make a difference.   have their own attorneys, they   did in life. Gloria has always   Diego has consistently ranked
        "I started with a few clients in   have coaches, the children   supported charites that bene-  in the top 10 cities in the
        need of help due to a divorce   have representatives, and   fit children, helping impover-  nation for human trafficking.
        and many who had aging par-  everybody works together to   ished children have a chance   The psychological impact on
        ents who were either going   make the process as seamless   for a better life by getting an   the lives of people who have
        to assisted living or had died.   and painless as possible for   education. "The first charity I   been victims of this horrific
        I realized how devastating   everyone.”                gave to was dollars for schol-  crime is immeasurable. Thank
        these two life events were,   When it comes to the     ars, which helps foster kids   you, Gloria, for all you do, both
        and how alone most people   help she provides for families   get a college degree. That was  professionally and personally.
        are when they are faced with   facing a changing lifestyle for
        these emotionally and finan-  their parents, or the death   If you are in need of an agent who can help you during
        cially hard times. I decided   of a parent, Gloria will be   any of these life events, contact Gloria Roma at
        that I could make a differ-  involved in all aspects. This
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