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Top Women in Real Estate
Morgan King had an idyllic obtain a degree in marketing, achieve it if you don’t already have discovery of this completely new
childhood, she grew up in a tiny with the ultimate goal to apply her that happiness within you.” realm of life that she had never
town in Wisconsin called Cum- beauty background with a market- Morgan was having some even considered or understood.
berland. The town was so small ing degree. marital problems after her father- “I refer to it as just being asleep
that it didn’t even have a stoplight. "I look back on that time in-law unexpectedly passed away, before that time. So, I really dove
"It was your typical small Wiscon- in my life, and I have to laugh. I and four weeks later, her husband into self-development. I spent
sin town; everyone was a hunter really wasn't sure what I planned just picked up and walked out hours every day just trying to
and loved the Packers. I was the to do, but I told my boyfriend on her, and she has not seen him work on my mindset and improv-
youngest of four sisters, and we at the time that my dream was since. This was extremely traumat- ing who I am, and kind of shifting
were very close in age, only one to work in a really tall building ic for Morgan. "At the time I didn't the thought processes that I've had
grade apart from each other, so all and wear business clothes and be know what to do, I lived for him. for the past 30 years.”
in high school at the same time, important." I lived for being a wife. I couldn't These past two years have
my poor Dad! My grandfather Morgan completed her mar- wait to have kids and continue on been a time of intense growth for
started a seasonal campground keting degree and moved to San
there as a side business to his Francisco knowing there would be
teaching career, and being around more career opportunities there.
that entrepreneurial spirit at such She landed a job at a billion-dol-
a young age, it certainly made a lar beauty brand working in the
strong impression on me. After a marketing department. Happy
few years of extremely hard work that she found the ideal job that
managing both of his jobs, he end- combined her marketing degree
ed up quitting teaching to pursue and her beauty background. “I
the campground full time, as that realized in this position that you
Morgan King
By Judith A. Habert
was his true passion. Then my late are only as successful as how hard this blueprint path, I call it.” This
father eventually took it over, so I you can work, and so I would put ultimately ended up being the
actually grew up on this beautiful in as many hours as I mentally best thing that's ever happened to
piece of land which was right on could. Being young in my career, her. “I had two weeks to figure out
the lake." my main focus was to try and what I wanted to do because our Morgan. “I came to the realization
At this point in Morgan's impress everyone and let me tell lease was up and so I moved down that I wasn't going to be happy
life, she wasn't quite sure what you, it was exhausting.” to San Diego and got to keep my with my job title, or any of those
direction she wanted to take. When her boss moved on to job in San Francisco. Luckily, I had external factors. For me personal-
Most of her friends were going another beauty company, Morgan a remote job already, so I contin- ly, the environment that I was then
the traditional route, picking out went along. "Shortly after this I ued to fly back to San Francisco as working in was pretty unhealthy.
their colleges, but she felt that she got married, and we moved to needed for about two years.” They would reward hours worked
was different. "I wondered how Santa Monica, but I was able to Morgan's sister had just as a badge of honor and didn’t
some of my friends were so certain keep my job commuting back and moved to San Diego, and Morgan emphasize work-life balance, even
about what they wanted to do with forth for quite some time. On the found a home three blocks away though they pretended like they
their lives, and it wasn't until my outside, everything just looked so from her sister. “My sister has did.”
sister suggested that I go to beauty beautiful and sexy. I was married. two little girls who are my whole At the time Morgan was
school that it suddenly clicked, We lived in this beautiful house world. She lets me play pretend dating a real estate agent, and
and I realized that it was exactly in Santa Monica, that was just parent to them all the time, as she kept looking at what he was
what I wanted to do." gorgeous. I had this really great an aunt I get to be there for the doing and realized that she could
Morgan worked for seven job. I made good money, but I was fun stuff and can leave when the do that. Morgan started working
years in the beauty industry, and still unhappy. I realized that the parenting stuff gets tough. through a game plan in her head
she realized that she needed more. chase for success and happiness These incidents caused Mor- on how she would run her own
She decided to go to college to was one thing, but you will never gan to delve into a huge phase of real estate business. She realized