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Top Women in Real Estate

        Blue Latitude Real Estate, with a   me the opportunity to see where   but also a new office or manufac-  relationship building really starts
        mission of giving back. “For every   people are actually moving and   turing plant. Often these clients   with your environment. Surround
        referral we receive through our   why. Our mission is to help other   don’t know the area well enough   yourself with people who are
        website, we give back to global   agents work the global market by   to know where they should live   rooting for your success and will
        charities. Our vision is that we   better understanding it.”  or set up their businesses, Mary   empower you to do great things
        are building relationships and   Mary has worked with clients   and her team are with them   in your life and in this world. The
        partnerships with people from   from China, Canada, India,   every step of the way to assure   industry affords you the oppor-
        around the world with a goal of   Mexico, South Africa, Portugal,   that they make choices that are in   tunity to see yourself in a lot of
        building housing for every house   and the UK. Her recent sojourn   their wholesome best interest.   different ways. It's a very multifac-
        we sell."                  allowed her to make lifelong   "I have my Certified Inter-  eted career, you are a communi-
           I asked Mary how you begin   friendships and trusted business   national Property Specialist   cator, a negotiator, and an active
        such a huge undertaking, “I have   relationships with foreign real   designation (CIPS). This gives   listener. We have a Bold Law that
        big dreams with a necessary   estate professionals during her   me access to the CIPS Network,   states, ‘Your business grows to the
        ingredient, ambition. I live a very   trip.            which is comprised of over 3,500   extent that you do.’ I'm a big be-
        simple life, a bit of a minimalist.   I asked Mary if real estate   real estate professionals in 45   liever in personal and professional
        You have no limits to what you   was very different in foreign   countries. This members-only   development. Becoming more
        can dream, that’s freedom right   countries. “The basis of real estate   group is specifically for real estate   self-aware is a key component to
        there. When you dream big, you   is the same, but sometimes the   practitioners of the National As-  accessing limitless opportunities
        succeed big. I think the first step   commissions, for instance, are   sociation of REALTORS® who have   within the profession and your life.
        is having the vision and being                                                    If you are purposeful with your
        really clear about what that                                                      time, you’ll be effective with other
        vision is. I think the next step is                                               peoples’. Lastly, I would say to stay
        making sure that you surround                                                     curious. I ask a lot of questions
        yourself with people who are                                                      because I'm curious to connect
        like-minded thinkers, have similar                                                people to opportunities that can
        values, and are collaboratively                                                   help move people to where they
        working towards a common goal.                                                    have expressed to me they want
        That really begins by getting to                                                  to go. Be a creative problem solv-
        know people and building those                                                    er, purposeful, and an open-mind-
        relationships.”                                                                   ed thinker, to different cultures,
           Mary’s training from Keller                                                    beliefs, and realities because I
        Williams La Jolla has been a tre-                                                 believe that sets our clients up
        mendous help in the success of                                                    for the highest chance of success
        her company. “KW teaches how                                                      and for the success of my fellow
        to think boldly and differently                                                   teammates.”
        which offers the chance to be                                                        Mary created Blue Latitude
        unique, something I identify with.                                                Real Estate with the intention of
        My Blue Latitude model is pretty   paid by the buyer, sometimes by   earned their CIPS designation.   providing limitless opportunities
        simple; I give my team freedom   the seller, sometimes they're split.   REALTORS® who have earned this   within a feel good environment
        within structure to expand their   In other countries the closing   designation are consumers' best   locally and abroad.
        minds and their clients’ real es-  parties are similar to how east   and most trusted resource for   Mary Hogan travels the globe
        tate boundaries. They have to be   coast real estate works. In certain   navigating the global market.”  to learn about different cultures
        innately motivated, trustworthy,   regions you can't own the land   One of the elements of Mary’s   and what drives people to move
        and learning based. I hire the   that your dwelling is residing   job that she loves is that she   so that she can do her job effec-
        best people out there and then   on, it could be leased land from   is learning every day. Not only   tively. She is extremely dedicated
        empower them to shine."    the government. Most countries   about the real estate practices in   to her profession and as a result,
           Mary learns much from being   do not have exclusive listing   different countries, but also their   has become a Top Real Estate
        a member on the San Diego As-  agreements nor a Multiple Listing   customs. “A good example of that   Professional in San Diego.
        sociation of Realtors International   Service (MLS). There are some dif-  is knowing which cultures do
        Committee. “We discuss the   ferences of which you need to be   not want cutlery as a closing gift.   To learn more or set up an
        analytics of where the interna-  aware. For the most part, there is   Sharp objects are considered bad   appointment with Mary, visit her
        tional business is coming from   a deed and other legal contracts   luck in some regions.”  site at:
        and where it's going. This gives   that they are signing."  Mary wants readers who
        me a behind the scenes look as   Mary and her team don’t only   are entering into a career in real   +1 (858) 263.5300
        to where we should be targeting   deal in residential real estate.   estate to know," Real estate is
        our marketing efforts. This, in   Often if someone is moving from   absolutely a relationship based   Facebook @BlueLatitudeRE
        addition to my background in   one country to another, not only   business. It isn't just about strong   LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.
        international marketing, allows   will they need a new residence,   relationships with your clients. The   com/in/bluelatitudere/

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