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Top Women in Real Estate

                   KAREN TRIMBLE

                    CRE Execution Strategies, Inc.

                                 By Judith A. Habert

                               Photo by Laurens Antoine Photography

                    AREN TRIMBLE WAS BORN  gian, which is, you know, useful for     that made me absolutely fall in love
                Kand raised outside of Denver,    pretty much nothing, except being   with the intricacies of commer-
                Colorado. Sadly, she lost her father   able to connect with my family and   cial real estate. Since then, I have
                when she was just 14. Her mother   friends in Norway.”              always worked in the commercial
                made the decision to move with her   After her travels, she headed   real estate field, either in banking
                two daughters, Cindy and Karen,   back to Coloradoб but decided     or in law firms, doing transactional
                back to her homeland. “My mother   she had enough of the cold weath-  work.”
                was Norwegian, and we have a huge  er. After a friend invited her out   Karen eventually went to work
                family in Norway. So the three of us  to San Diego for a visit, she fell   at Latham and Watkins, LLP. “I
                moved to Norway for a year. I was,   in love with the city and decided   worked with some of the brightest
                of course, distraught at being torn   to relocate. Karen obtained a job   people I have ever met. In addi-
                away from my friends but loved    with a law firm, a good fit for her   tion, they were a fabulous group
                getting to know my family there, so   educational background in business  of people. Some of the matters we
                I soon acclimated to my new life-  law, and she quickly realized how   handled were billion-dollar finance
                style. Norway is a beautiful country,  much she loved being around such   and real estate transactions includ-
                and we all made some very, very   incredibly bright people while par-  ing power plant facilities and huge
                dear friends that I am still in touch   ticipating in a field she loved.  resort financing deals. And when
                with today.”                         Spurred on to learn even more,   you're working on these deals, you
                    Karen attended an American    Karen went back to school to USD’s   are hyper-focused. In the last 10
                school and made friends who liter-  9-month paralegal program, which   days before the deals close, you
                ally, with their families, traveled all   at the time was the only (ABA)   average about two to three hours
                over the world because they were   American Bar Association ap-     sleep a night. It's very stressful and
                embassy kids, oil company kids,   proved program in San Diego.      extremely intense, and I loved it.”
                and military kids. They only re-     After completing the program,     Karen recalls a ‘Bring your Kids
                mained there for a year, but Karen   she was hired to work in a mid-size  to Workday,’ when her son Nathan
                looks back on it as a pivotal point   law firm on a difficult litigation   was about six. “We were closing a
                in her life. “Living in a different cul-  case. After the case was dropped,   transaction related to the San Di-
                ture at that young age really opened  she happened to be it the right   ego Ballpark and knew it was going
                my eyes to the rest of the world   place at the right time and filled   to be late in the evening before we
                and what was out there. Most of   in for another real estate paralegal   could be done and ready to close
                my friends in Colorado didn’t even   on a transaction. "That is where   first thing in the morning. Na-
                know where Norway was.”           it all began, it was a very, very   than ended up eating Lasagna and
                    Karen returned to Colorado,   complicated purchase of a golf    hanging out with the very senior
                finished high school and decided to   course project with sophisticated   management of the client while I
                go back to Norway for school. She   tax consequences, pass through   wrapped up the last items to record
                ended up extended her stay so she   entities, etc. I still remember the 7   first thing in the morning.”
                could travel all over Europe with   by 12 whiteboard with all the com-  Although she loved her job
                her friends. “I'm fluent in Norwe-  ponents drawn out. This is the deal   there, being a mom of a young

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