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Top Women in Real Estate

        child made the schedule tough, so   was that she could understand the   components, but they also have the
        when San Diego National Bank     process from a buyer perspective,   consulting side. “So, if a high level
        reached out to her to come on    investor perspective, and a lend-  of expertise is needed, I can step
        board, she decided that banker’s   ing perspective. Several projects   in and become part of the team
        hours would be more conducive    located in Oregon and Washington   and solve complex transactional
        to better sleep and more time at   state involved raw land, partially   problems."
        home. A large part of that was   developed housing developments,      Karen equally loves the consult-
        being able to hire the law firms to   and a “land” condominium related   ing and the training components
        work the long hours. "It was a very   to a federally designated affordable   of her business. “I love watching
        appealing offer, especially since   housing tax credit project.    people in my training sessions gain
        they were looking for someone        Since Karen was often involved   an understanding of how to solve
        with the same level of legal expe-  in transactions in multiple states, I   an issue that previously seemed
        rience that I had. I transitioned   wondered how she kept up to speed  insurmountable to them. I just love
        over to SDNB and, best of all, did   with the many different laws from   seeing people exercise their new-
        the same type of work and was still   state to state that are involved in a   found knowledge and continuing
        able to work with extremely bright   commercial real estate transaction.   to develop. It’s an amazing process.”
        attorneys.”                      “First off, I love to read. Secondly,   I asked Karen what it was that
           In this new position, Karen   it's staying in the business, doing   she loved most about her work. “It's
        managed the commercial real estate  the business. I have to say, the one   probably just being able to apply
        closings, negotiating the closings   thing that I love about commercial   everything that I know and being
        after the loan officers got approval   real estate is there's not one trans-  able to share it, and help to bring
        for the loan. “It was a very collabo-  action that is exactly like the next   people into this very interesting, di-
        rative, teamwork experience. And   one. Also, with each transaction,   verse, and demanding profession.”
        we had a tremendous amount of    I walked away with a little more     If you were going to give advice
        fun. The bank made loans all over   knowledge. So, it's a continual   to someone who wanted to get
        the United States, but we also did a   growth and learning experience.”   into your field, what would you tell
        lot of really exciting projects in San   After many years working for   them? “I'd suggest that they find
        Diego, including the Bayfront Hil-  all different entities in the Com-  a good mentor, someone that has
        ton downtown, which meant that   mercial Real Estate world, Karen   both resources and a network. Also,
        we worked with the San Diego Port  decided it was time to open her   they need to keep in mind that you
        Authority, Hensel Phelps Construc- own business, and CRE Execu-    need to be a good mentee – think
        tion and the Hilton Hotel corporate  tion Strategies, Inc., was born.   about your direction, ask ques-
        organization. It's fun to be able to   “I've created my own training and   tions, be curious and intellectually
        drive around San Diego and know   consulting company. I have taken   inquisitive. Be willing to work hard.
        that you've actually participated in   that 25 plus years of knowledge and  There are tremendous opportuni-
        creating something in the city.”  compacted that into nine training   ties in this field.”
           Unfortunately, 2008 hit and   modules so that I can go to lend-    “The other thing I would
        San Diego National Bank, a part   ers, special asset groups in banks,   suggest, especially in San Diego,
        of the larger FBOP Corporation   developers, and brokers and train   is to be very cognizant of always
        out of Chicago, was affected, and   their new and junior level staff on   doing your absolute best. It's a
        they ended up being bought by US   the ins and outs of commercial real  small city and people remember
        Bank. Karen was asked to stay and   estate transactions. I really love   you. It's essential to show up, be on
        manage a portfolio of special asset   doing this. I utilize highly interac-  time, be prepared, treat people well
        loans and commercial real estate.   tive learning techniques as part of   and work hard. People will know
        She also trained asset managers on   my training. It’s important to create  you by the impression you leave. I
        pre-foreclosure analysis and fore-  engagement and develop a strong   have had people ask me how I got
        closures on commercial properties.   knowledge base so they will leave   to where I am, and I almost burst
        With the number of foreclosures   my classes with strong skills that   out laughing because the answer is
        and the diversity of complex prop-  they can actually apply to their day   simple, work your butt off! Always
        erties, this involved complicated   to day work.”                  remember that good education
        negotiation, paperwork, and due      Not only does CRE Execution   and hard work will never do you
        diligence. The advantage Karen had  Strategies, Inc., have the training   wrong.”

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