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Top Women in Real Estate

                                                                                 a suitable loan for them. I educate them
                                                                                 by offering options and we set a goal to
                                                                                 get to where they want to be.”
                                                                                   Pam strongly believes that purchas-
                                                                                 ing a home should not be a stressful
                                                                                 event. “I work every transaction with an
                                                                                 upbeat attitude and open communica-
                                                                                 tion throughout the entire process. Just
                                                                                 recently, I was given a huge compliment
                                                                                 by a Title Company and Realtors. They
                                                                                 reached out at funding, to say that I was
                                                                                 the best loan officer they have worked
                                                                                 with and they appreciated my commu-
                                                                                 nication and smooth transaction. That
                                                                                 is what sets me apart and why I love my
        Pam                                                                      Bank, Direct Lender and Broker, Pam is
                                                                                   Having experience working with a
                                                                                 very educated on what each field can
                                                                                 offer. “I currently work for Groves Capital,
        Campbell                                                                 a Correspondent Lender. The support
                                                                                 I have, as well as the products we offer
                                                                                 are unlimited which gives me the ability
                                                                                 to provide you, my client, with a full
                                                                                 range of mortgage products to meet
                                                                                 your goals.”
          AM CAMPBELL NEVER EXPECTED TO        Pam spent her first ten years in San   Pam also feels that it is essential to
       Pbe in the loan business, but a series of   Diego selling copiers and was very   give back. “I love to Volunteer my time
        events led her in that direction. Pam was   successful at her job, but when digital   whenever I can. Through my TEAM net-
        born and raised in Hawaii, but like many   technology took over her business, she   working group, we support the Ronald
        young people, no matter how beautiful   felt it was more than she wanted to   Mc Donald House here in San Diego.
        home is, they still have that wanderlust   take on. Her brother-in-law is a Broker   I asked Pam for any suggestions for
        that pushes them to explore the world.   in the loan business, and after seeing   those wanting to get into the mortgage
        Pam went to school in Hawaii, attend-  her success at selling copiers, suggest-  business. “You have to want to help
        ing Honolulu Community college, and   ed that she consider working for him.   people and do everything you can to
        Kapi’olani Community College, and then   “He handed me a rate sheet, it looked   get them through the process without
        decided it was time to leave her home-  confusing but I took on the challenge to   stress. It’s not an easy job. You have to
        land. After being introduced to shipping,   learn something new. I liked numbers,   educate yourself, know your products
        she got a job working on American   so I figured I would give it a chance. I   and always be compliant. The compa-
        Hawaii Cruises in 1991 and set out on a   started with his company, at first just to   ny you choose to work with is a huge
        new adventure.                      help him out telemarketing, but soon   factor, as support is what makes things
           A job on a cruise ship gave her the   I realized how much I loved what I was   happen.”
        chance to explore. "I started as a Cocktail   doing, so I jumped in with both feet to   Pam is known in the industry as “I
        Server and then graduated to Purser   this new field, and I have been a Mort-  Lend Girl”, which is, of course, a play on
        but realized that the serving staff was   gage Loan Originator now for 16 years.”   her origins in Hawaii, and is her business
        having a lot more fun, so I became a   Pam’s husband is a home inspector and   logo. Some of her peers don’t know her
        waitress. That is where I met my now   her sister, a real estate appraiser. All in   as Pam, but instead by her very fitting
        husband, Greg. We both worked in the   the family.                       nickname. What they know even more is
        dining room. I worked on the cruise ship   Working in the mortgage business,   her mission statement “Mortgages Made
        for two and a half years. I had a lot of   Pam is known in the industry for the   Easy. You Believe It. I Achieve It.
        fun, but it was also a tough job, working   excellent work she does. She will do all
        7 days a week for three months before   she can to help clients obtain their loan   To get in contact with Pam Campbell
        you received any time off.” Pam and Greg   so they can live the dream of owning   (iLendGirl) contact her at:
        relocated to San Diego in 1993 and mar-  their own home. "When a client comes   619.920.1975 or visit her site at
        ried in 1996. They have 2 children, Jacob   to me for a loan, whether it’s a purchase
        who is 19 and Nikki who is 17.      or refinance, I will do all I can to secure   and get approved today.

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