Page 27 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 27

An Unusual Christmas

                       By C.F. Illingworth                         Pie in

           Christmas is fast   their front lawn?" I had   favorite dish. Mattak is   the Sky
        approaching, and   always thought Pasa-  raw whale skin served
        my wife and I enjoy   dena was somewhat   with a side of blubber.
        immersing ourselves in   conservative. "Boy, was   How can anyone resist   and Other
        the festivities. When we   I wrong."   that treat? Kiviak is
        were first married, we   After we arrived   another Christmas   Stories
        lived in Pasadena, CA.   home, I decided to   delight. Kiviak is an
        This year we decided   go online to see what   Auk bird stuffed into
        to revisit the area to see   interesting ways people   a seal skin, then left to
        all the Christmas dec-  in other countries   ferment for six months.   Author: Ava Lepor
        orations. As we drove   celebrate Christmas.   I guess they don't raise
        through the residential   In Venezuela, there   many turkeys in Green-
        neighborhoods, we   is a tradition of roller   land, unless they stuff
        were surprised to see   skating to early morn-  them into a seal skin.
        how decorations had   ing Christmas services.   In Japan, a tradi-
        changed over the past   After Mass, many res-  tional Christmas food is
        50 years.          idents would go out to   a holiday sponge cake.
           One of the first   eat tostados and drink   These sponge cakes   Pie in the Sky and Other Sto-  What makes this book special
        outdoor displays was   coffee.        come with whipped     ries is a wonderful book by a   to me is how real it is. With each
        a four-foot Nutcracker   In South Africa, on   cream, chocolate,   wonderful  creative author.   story located in a different part
        dressed up as a pirate.   Christmas day, there is   and strawberries on   Pie in the Sky and Other Sto-  of the country and even the
        Did pirates celebrate   a tradition of snacking   top. They are ordered   ries is sure to become one of   world, it makes me wonder if
        Christmas? Not too far   on deep-fried Emperor   months in advance and
        down the street was a   moth caterpillars. Ah,   are eaten on Christmas   your favorite reads as it has   Ms. Lepor is well-traveled or
        display of Santa Claus   ok. Austrians have   Eve. Any cake that is   become mine. It is refreshing   simply possesses an extensive
        popping in and out of   a little twist on the   not sold before the 25th   to read a book that focuses   knowledge of the world. One
        an outhouse. I guess   treatment of their   is unwanted.    on what is good in the world   of the favorite elements of her
        when you gotta go, you   children on Christmas   And finally, here's a   and  not one  that  highlights   stories is how unique they are,
        gotta go.          Eve. Santa does reward   strange tradition from   the many plights we must   yet full of wisdom in their own
           One street over   children who have been   right here in the US.   face. Once you pick up this   way. “The Glass Slipper” begins
        was a modern nativity   good during the year   Since 2010, Arizona's   book,  it  is almost  impossible   as a fun episode in the life of a
        scene with the three   with treats and gifts.   Scottsdale Gun Club   to put it down. I am so happy   soon-to-be bride who is pre-
        wise men arriving   However, a character   has hosted what may   to see this genre of Literary   paring  for her wedding,  but
        on Segways. Anoth-  named Krampus is not   well be the oddest   Fiction full of stories that lift   during this preparation, she
        er nativity included   so nice. This figure, out   picture opportunity   hearts and bring us back to a   begins to question her motives
        a donkey and the   of Eastern Europe-  of the holiday season.   fundamental fact in life; there   for the union. A story that ap-
        Shepard's lamb singing   an mythology, goes   They take a snapshot of   are good people in this world   pears to be headed for a disas-
        a duet of Jingle Bells.   around and punishes   you with jolly Santa and   who do what they can to   trous ending instead provides
        What church do these   children that have been   an AK-47. The Gun   make the world a better place   a crucial lesson that temporary
        people attend? A couple   bad during the year.   Club spokesman stated:   without tearing down others.   pain often can result in a life-
        of streets over from the   As if kids don't have   "Our members and                 time of happiness. In “The Bi-
        singing animals stood   enough to worry about.   customers like to take   Her characters are so realistic   cycle,” we learn of a little boy’s
        a 15-foot inflatable   I can just imagine that   pictures with 'Santa and   that you feel as if you know   childhood memories and how
        snowman standing next   the children would   Machine Guns." And   them, and they will surely re-
        to three penguins. I'm   probably stay awake,   you thought grandma   mind you of someone you do   a promise shared with a friend
        still trying to figure that   worrying if they were   putting her false teeth   know.  The kindness that fills   can be the thread that brings
        one out.           going to get a treat or a   in just before eating   their hearts proves that even   us  back  to  those  we  love.  In
           Not to be outdone,   spanking. Now that has   Christmas dinner was   though bad things sometimes   her story “Cold  Welcome,” we
        the neighbor next door   got to be a real Christ-  strange. Now you are   happen to good people, in the   find that painful childhood
        displayed Santa arriving   mas nightmare.  all set to have a normal   end, the good endures.  The   memories can often keep us
        by helicopter. Well, at   Italy also has an   Christmas, right?   ability to survive through hard   from moving forward in life,
        least it wasn't the three   interesting tradition.          times is a thread that runs   and through this story, we are
        wise gentlemen. Oh,   Instead of Santa, there is            throughout Ms. Lepor’s work.   reminded that  there  is  truly
        were you aware that   a witch named Befana                                          nothing in the world more im-
        elves attended the first   who travels around Italy         Each story found within her   portant than love.
        nativity? Yeah, me nei-  on January 5th to deliv-           book  is  unique  and  contains
        ther. And last but not   er gifts to the children.          an element of surprise.  This   If you are looking for a refresh-
        the strangest, was Santa   If the kids were good            fact, in itself, forces you to   ing new read, pick up a copy
        delivering presents to   during the year, then              keep turning the pages as   of Pie in the Sky and Other Sto-
        the baby in the manger.   their socks are filled            you cannot put it down until   ries, and you will surely find
        This last display was all   with candy and gifts.           a resolution is reached within   yourself with a renewed look
        done in black light.   However, if they were                the story. It is undoubtedly a   on life, one that reminds you
           Needless to say,   bad, their stockings                                          that life is good and kindness
        our trip home was alive   were filled with coal.            work of art that will keep you   needs to be shared.
        with "Do you believe   Greenland has                        up long into the night.
        that people would   some quirky Christmas
        want those scenes on   menu items. Mattak is a                                                           27
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