Page 28 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 28
“At any one time, we are either a teacher or a student to others.
The trouble begins when we assume which one we are”.
~ Debra Zachau
Ne Da t R
New Dating Rules ules
By Debra Zachau
The dating world has Take a look at these dating and relationship rules in the modern world:
changed and the new dating 3
rules aren’t difficult to spot. 1. Recognize the impact of smartphones. In previous 3. Establish a work-life balance. Your job can have
a strong impact on your relationship. Today’s
decades, smartphones didn’t exist. Now, your smart-
As technology grows, new 1 world has seen more people spend longer hours
phone is your connection to the world (and your
dating demands arise along partner). They keep you informed, and entertained at the office.
with it. however can affect your relationship in multiple
ways. • It’s more difficult for couples today to find a life-
work balance. This is caused by longer hours
Keep up with these demands • For example, your partner knows if you’re carrying and more demanding work. In addition, both
and see your relationship your phone with you. If you don’t respond to mes- partners in a relationship may be working.
bloom. Let yourself become sages, but post on social media with your phone, • Make it a point to balance your work with the
numb to your digital habits your partner may feel hurt that you’re ignoring rest of your life - especially with the time you
and you will get behind, and them. spend with your new partner.
likely to create challenges for 2. Understand the importance of social media. Social 4. Stay aware of your technology use. Technolo-
your relationship without media is a large part of the dating world, and it can’t gy can help people connect, but it can also tear
even meaning to! 2 4
them apart. If you’re too absorbed in the latest
be ignored. It affects every stage of the relationship
gadget to pay attention to your partner, you may
Offering life, love, and career and can doom some from the beginning. How do want to evaluate your technology use.
you use social media while you date someone?
coaching to thousands of • For example if you’re constantly checking your
people has given me a wealth • Have you considered the impact of sharing your email on your date, your partner may feel un-
dating life secrets with the rest of the world? Even
of examples about how if you have privacy settings set to high, your friends loved and frustrated.
people sabotage their new re- and family can still see your posts. Are you pre- • Couples may benefit from establishing rules
lationships without realizing pared to answer questions about your new love? for technology use during dates. Maybe you’ll
it. Today I’m offering insight • In addition, if your ex is on social media and can make a rule about turning off your phone during
on modern dating rules you see your posts, are you ready to deal with the back- a romantic dinner, or a rule about no tablet or
may have forgotten (or never lash? phone use during an argument.
knew) that will ensure your • Notice how your partner feels about responding to • Try making some technology guidelines that
dating life doesn’t go off the their social media posts. Did you know that some work for you and your partner and support your
rails because of avoidable couples end their relationship because one of relationship.
them didn’t like a social media post? The like but-
blunders. Dating someone ton, heart button, and other social media features Today’s world is having a strong impact on dating
new has its own unique can matter! and changing the rules. However, remaining aware
of these trends can help you to enhance - rather
anxiety. • If your partner cares about the number of likes and than detract from - your relationships.
hearts on a social media post, it’s important to re-
spond appropriately and in a timely manner.
Debra Zachau is a spiritual teacher, reader, author and speaker who makes her home in San Diego. She
offers a video course for those who want to Learn Tarot Once and for All. Read review here: newspirit- Click here to view the video course. The Clarity Tarot
deck can be pre-ordered on Amazon here. You can schedule with Debra online or call/text 760-622-1881
with questions. Debra’s chapter “What the dying have taught me” in the anthology A Path to Purpose
which teaches how caregivers can communicate with the non-speaking disabled due to stroke, dementia
or a coma gives beginning mediumship information.