Page 26 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 26

tention and put her on bed rest with a
                                                                                  daily round of hormones which were giv-
                                                                                  en by injection. Our neighbor, who was
                                                                                  my Mom's best friend, had to learn how to
                                                                                  give injections. And the strategy worked.
                                                                                  Finally, after seven years, my baby broth-
                                                                                  er was born. And as the first boy, he was
                                                                                  lavished with attention, and I got really
                                                                                    Thankfully, I didn't have any trouble
                                                                                  conceiving; thus, I figured this baby thing
                                                                                  was a no-brainer until I gained 50 pounds.
                                                                                  And then the contractions started. By the
                                                                                  time they were close enough to head for
                                                                                  the hospital, I was certain that my first
                                                                                  would be an only child. The pain of labor
                                                                                  was  excruciating.  I  don't  know  if  anyone
                                                                                  has ever tried to describe it, but when it
                                                                                  was over, I felt no joy. I remember feeling
                                                                                  only anger that all my female relatives had
                                                                                  lied – by omission – to me over the years,
                                                                                  all this time. Had I understood the abso-
            Don't Blink                                                           become a mother – period.
                                                                                  lute agony of childbirth, I would not have
                                                                                    I was angry with my Mom. I was an-
                                                                                  gry with my older sisters. And I was angry
                                                                                  with God for punishing Eve in this way. I
                                                                                  was angry with my doctors, too, although
                                                                                  they both told me the second one would
                              By Sharon Hightower                                 be easier. As if I would even consider a sec-
                                                                                  ond one!
                                                                                    John was born at 5:03 in the morning
           With summer flying by, I began think-  So it was with some fear and trepidation   after about 8 hours of what the doctors
        ing about my Dad and our family vaca-  that I stopped the pill.           called "hard labor." I ask you: is there any
        tions in the Sierras which led me to think   I went to check in with my ob-gyn to   other kind? He was a pretty baby with lots
        about my first husband and our family   ask questions, and six weeks later, I found   of hair. Everyone commented on it—even
        vacations, often near June Lake. Finally,   myself back at the doctor's office. He   the nurses.
        these fun thoughts made me think about   laughed and said that hadn't taken much   I was surprised at my lack of feeling. I'd
        the time we became parents and parent-  time. And nine months later, I found my-  expected to adore this tiny bundle, but I
        hood in general.                     self  at  Memorial  Hospital  in  Long  Beach,   didn't. In truth, I didn't feel much. He was a
           It was the early 70s, and birth really   just a few miles from Community Hospital,   baby. He was pretty. And he was mine, but
        was something people could control. Be-  where I'd made my own entrance into the   I thought I should be bursting with emo-
        fore the birth control pill of the 60s, plan-  world.                     tion, but I wasn't. Mostly, I was just tired.
        ning for a child was a much "iffier" matter.   I had two older sisters and was the   And glad for the hospital's care.
        The Catholic Church,  which still  doesn't   first child of my parent's second marriage.   This was the time when new mothers
        approve of artificial means of limiting a   Growing up, I'd watched my mother carry   still stayed in the hospital for three days,
        family and recommends the rhythm meth-  and deliver four children, two boys and   so you had a chance to kind of get to know
        od, which is far less than perfect, resulted   two girls, and watched her mourn the loss   the nurses. And when one night nurse
        in my Mom having seven kids and as many   of another girl who died shortly after birth.   brought him to me to feed, she said some-
        miscarriages. And there are 20 some years   She was buried in the Catholic cemetery   thing funny and walked out. She said,
        between my oldest sister and my young-  across the street from the Memorial Park,   "Don't blink." So when she came back, I
        est.                                 where most of my Dad's family is. She was   asked her to clarify, and she did.
           Thus I was certain that I wasn't going   named Sheila and would have been two   But I didn't listen. I blinked. And now
        to rely on that method, but when folks   years younger than Shawn and two years   John is grown with grown children of his
        began to bug us when we were childless   older than Stacey.               own. And yesterday, I was reminded again
        after three years, we decided perhaps it   These babies came after some difficul-  of how time flies when John was taken
        was time. Perhaps we should at least think   ty. Something must have happened after   by ambulance to the hospital following a
        about having kids, but as we were both   I was born because my Mom tried many   seizure of some kind. Lots of tests. No firm
        from large families, the idea held no mys-  times afterward to have another baby   diagnosis. Just a loud reminder that the
        tery for us. We knew parenting was hard   without any success. Miscarriage followed   present is all we have.
        work and involved a lifetime commitment.   miscarriage. Finally, the doctors paid at-  So, take each moment.

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