Page 21 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 21
The Burning of the Bad Floral Games Getting Around Mazatlán
Humor If you want something more Another unique thing about
Before the fireworks on serene, go to the baseball sta- Mazatlán is the easy mode
Saturday is a fun event worth dium for several cultural activ- of transportation. Converted
attending. It is a Mexican tra- ities highlighting local authors golf carts, called Pulmonia,
dition to burn a giant puppet and poets. Enjoy readings and are open-air vehicles found
filled with firecrackers. The celebrations of literary awards mostly in tourist areas. Some
puppet is modeled after an for Mexican writers. The name have doors, and some don’t.
unpopular public figure from came from 1925 when winners Most have decent stereos and
the previous year, which is were awarded prizes of flow- drive around with the music
hanged and then burnt. The ers. Today the games receive cranked. You can flag them
belief is that this will banish all many entries, and contestants down, just like a taxi, or find
the anger and animosity from with the best “flowery verse” one parked in front of a main
the city. are awarded prizes. restaurant or bar. Make sure
you ask a price before getting crowds and loud music, don’t
The Inaugural Parade Carnival Royalty in. They are inexpensive and go. You can buy little wooden
Sunday’s parade is the high- Five recurring characters pre- great fun! fold-up chairs from vendors to
light for many. It’s the most side over carnival: the King of watch the parade. Don’t bring
iconic and anticipated parade Carnival, the King of Madness, 2023 Carnival Dates and valuables with you. Beware
and goes the entire 11 kilo- The Carnival Queen, The Helpful Tips of pickpockets. Bring small
meters of the Malecon. The Queen of the Floral Games, Festivities begin on Friday, bills to purchase from street
parade occurs twice. Sunday and the Children’s Queen. February 17, and continue vendors, as they don’t accept
is more family-oriented, and Make your way to the baseball through February 21. Don’t ex- cards. Dress casually, wear
the second parade on Tuesday, stadium to see the crowning pect events to be on time. They good shoes, avoid jewelry
which is the last chance to of the royals. The Kings are start when they start. Don’t be and bring a jacket for evening
party before Lent, starts. It can satirical depictions of the roy- late, but don’t get frustrated festivities. And most impor-
get a bit raucous and last well als, and the Queens are elegant if events are delayed. Expect tantly- bring earplugs!
into the evening. and graceful. huge crowds. If you don’t like