Page 19 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 19


        gasket, but to no avail. So off they   went around the back as I ran full
        went with all their snake removal   speed to the backyard window, not
        gadgets. I on the other hand went   realizing that the water that had
        back in the kitchen and stared at the   been sprayed at the window earli-                     LEADERSHIP TEAM  5 TIPS
                                                                                                               to Avoid
                                                                                                      BALLET’S NEW
        window because I knew he was still   er came through the borders of the                       “The Nutcracker”
        there and I knew I would never use   window pane and I landed flat on
        my hot tub or the backyard again if   my behind. Now six firemen were                         GIFT GUIDE
        we didn’t evict this horrifying crea-  looking at me on the ground and I                      Photo by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions   Location: City Lights Collectibles
        ture.                      just yelled, “I’m Okay.” I saw them
           Sure enough ten minutes past   smirking at this crazy woman ly-
        and he made his second appear-  ing on the floor, screaming about                             LONNIE
        ance. I immediately went through   a snake. Luckily they spotted him.                         MURRAY
                                                                                                      A Special Brand
                                                                                                      of Sports Agent
        the process got to the Fire Depart-  He had snuck behind our bbq grill
        ment and screamed into the phone,   and they captured him and took                                     EGG
        “He came back.” The operator had   him far far away on the firetruck.                         PEARLS    FREEZING
        no idea what I was talking about   Needless to say. I have never used
        so I tried to quickly and concisely   the hot tub again and only on one
        explain what had happened while   occasion set foot in the backyard.
        never removing my eyes from the   As it turns out we had a family of                            CITADEL PENN
                                                                                                        Creating a Beautiful Life
        snake.  He  was  not  getting  away   doves that had taken up residence
        this time! A few minutes later the   in our backyard gutter and had just
        doorbell rang, and another six gi-  laid eggs and the snake decided it                        Cover Photo By Monique Hoppe. Fashion Design by Kenneth Barlis.
        gantic firemen were at my door.   would be a hearty lunch—poor
        I yelled, “go around the back”   baby birds.
        several times because I knew if I   As for my trauma, thankfully
        took my eyes off sneaky snake he   we just moved to a new house and   KIKO                    Holiday    Maybin
        would be gone. Apparently, these   the first thing I did was sign on an   Chief Operating Officer  Omneya   Guides  SPEAKER
                                                                             Doctor Multimedia
                                                                                            C2 GROUP
        were six different firemen who had   exterminating company to keep an         SPECIAL
        no idea what I was talking about.   eye out for any new slithering visi-  Cover Photo By Nikkie Achartz of Snap Savvy Strategies   Cover Photo By Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions  EXPANDED   Cover Photo By Paul Douda Photography
        So I excitedly ran to the door, ex-  tors. Actually earthquakes and wild-  Power Women    TOP WOMEN    Photo by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions
                                                                                           in REAL ESTATE
        plained what happened and they   fires aren’t as bad after all.

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