Page 14 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 14
Women of Distinction
I knowledge and skills of
was pleased to speak
planning strategists (many
with Kim Shores, Pri-
vate Wealth Advisor
with Wells Fargo's Private of whom are former estate
planning attorneys), trust
Bank. Kim has been in the officers, bankers, lenders,
banking industry for 30 fiduciary investment strate-
years. "I started on the East gists, real estate specialists,
Coast in the '90s working for philanthropic specialists, and
NationsBank, which then others. It is my job to advo-
became Bank of America. cate on the family’s behalf
I worked there for 15 years with this team of profession-
and helped build out their als, seek their advice and
private lending platform." support, and organize this
A new concept at the time, advice for presentation to
Kim was part of a team that the clients. I pride myself on
created the predecessor to simplifying the complexities
what exists today in most of financial services for my
major banks. "When we first clients.”
started, our division encom- So what were the factors
passed specialized loans that guided Kim on this
for high-net-worth clients, path to success? Like most
which included lending 20-year-olds graduating
against concentrated secu- from college, Kim had no
rities for corporate insiders; idea what she wanted to do
lending against luxury assets, with her life. "I struggled to
such as fine art, yachts, and put myself through college
aircraft; and other items like and married two weeks after
commercial real estate for graduating. We moved to a
high-net-worth investors." tiny town in North Carolina.
From there, Kim was part of My husband, Keith, worked
a team that joined Deutsche in a bank's management
Bank in New York who were training program."
expanding their private bank Stuck in a small town
footprint in the U.S. She looking for a job, Kim found
remained for 11 years. a position as the activity
Kim was then recruit- director for a nursing home.
ed by Wells Fargo’s Private It was a brave move by Kim
Bank. While she began in and her husband that would
a private banking role that lead her into the financial
focused on customized services industry. "We quit
Kim Shores individuals, her talents were to graduate school. At the
our jobs, and both went
lending to high-net-worth
time, having an MBA was
quickly recognized and she
critical to career success, and
was promoted to Private
Watching Over Your Wealth Advisor, her current my husband's parents were
both academics, so we were
position, which she has held
since 2018.
encouraged to pursue our
As a Private Wealth
Wealth Advisor, Kim likes to say MBAs." Also at that time,
formalized training pro-
that she knows a little bit
grams were common with
about a lot, but not a lot the large financial institu-
By Judith A. Habert about any one thing. With tions. Kim and her husband
this in mind, Kim calls upon ended up in these programs
Photos by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions a large pool of subject matter at competing banks.
experts who all know a lot Kim immediately sought
about their individual lines out mentors to help her
of business. "We utilize the navigate a career path in