Page 10 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 10
Women of Distinction
sical, and I enjoyed every I am always so im- "I think it is definitely a to be doing what she loves.
moment painting fairytale pressed by people with combination of art school "I really enjoy painting
castles and adorable char- so much creative talent. and having mentors. I went commissions. I love bring-
acters." Although I went to school to a fantastic art school, but ing people's ideas to life. I
It is not a huge sur- for photography and writ- after school, I took work- love that I can paint their
prise that Carly and Seth's ing, I can't even draw stick shops from some of my loved ones and those who
twins are just as creative as figures, so seeing Carly's favorite artists. Those that have passed—bringing
their mother and grand- creations amazed me. Creat- I've always admired, and it them back to life and seeing
parents. "They love acting ing a work of art from thin was wonderful. I learned so people's joy. I am very lucky.
and participate in every air is such an incredible much from watching their Every day I wake up and
theatrical event available. talent. I know having the techniques, and the tips I do what I love. I know I am
They are so creative. They ability to create a scene, picked up along the way doing exactly what I was
love to write and partake in bring back someone to life were just priceless.” meant to do, and I know
many creative areas. They that has passed, or combine When you speak with I am probably one of few
even managed to sew their family members to create Carly, it is evident that she people who can say that."
own Halloween costumes the perfect family portrait is is a true artist and thrilled
this year. One of my girls just so incredible.
actually wrote a screenplay So, I asked Carly to
at the age of ten. They both share how someone could Purchase or commission an original oil painting
want to write books and travel a similar career path. from Carly's website or email her at:
be in plays and are both I knew that talent had to |
artists." In this issue, look be present, but I wanted to
for Laya's creative writing know what she felt made Art by Carly Castillon
in our San Diego Woman's her not only a natural artist
Kids Section. but a trained one as well. @artbycarlycastillon