Page 5 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 5


             Jaime V. Habert     Sharon Hightower        Eva Redding            Ava Lepor           Dom Gagliardi
        Jaime is the Managing Editor of   Sharon is a native of California,   Eva was born and raised in the   A longtime resident of San   Dom Gagliardi is a San Diego
        San Diego Woman and a free-  and has lived in Chicago and   Czech Republic. She came to   Diego, Ava Lepor is a teach-  resident who spent 38 years as
        lance writer out of Carlsbad, CA.  Guadalajara, MX. She earned   Southern California as a stu-  er-turned-author. She holds a   an educator, administrator, and
        She loves to document topics of   an MA in Teaehing English as a   dent and later met her husband.   B.A. in Psychology from UCLA   professional developer, where
        health and fitness, entrepreneur-  Second Language (TESOL) from   They have been happily mar-  and a Masters in Teaching En-  he had the opportunity to write
        ship, and body image.   CSULA some 20 years ago, but   ried for 25 years and live in San   glish to Speakers of Other Lan-  many articles and curricula. Now
                             recently completed her MBA at   Marcos. Even though English is   guages from New York Univer-  in retirement, he has resumed his
                             Point Loma.           her second language, she has al-  sity. Ava has authored several   lifetime pursuit of writing poetry
                                                   ways been drawn to exploring   books. Follow the author at her   and fiction.
                                                   it through reading and creative   website:
                                                   writing. Her favorite is writing
                                                   poetry, mysteries, and travel ar-

             Maggie Ramos
        Maggie Ramos is a student at
        MiraCosta College and is artisti-  Shelley Burbank                                       Dr. Laura Purdy (MD):
        cally multi talented. She is a great  Shelley Burbank is an eclectic
        writer, painter and a skilled pho-  writer of fiction and nonfic-     Debbie Storms    Dr. Laura Purdy serves as a
        tographer. 760-695-2525. Art-  tion. She has been published in   Debbie has enjoyed many careers   founding partner/National Med-  various genres. Learn more on   Leigh Singleton  from accountant to air traffic con-  ical Director for Rise Medical, a
                             her website at www.ShelleyBur-              troller. She believes life is an adven-  first-of-its-kind community of
                                Leigh Singleton is the Director   ture to be lived to its fullest. Her   medical professionals and sexual
                                                   of Financial Education at Monifi   passion for travel has taken her   wellness experts dedicated to the
                                                   Online Bank and a public speak-  to many parts of the world. She is   personalized treatment of vitality
                                                   er and trainer for 20+ years in   now focusing on writing about her   issues through integrative care.
                                                   the corporate and community   travels and interviewing entertain-  Learn more at
                                                   environment. She works to build   ers, which is a great combo!
                                                   financial education programs
                                                   that provide users with online
                                                   content and workshops where
              Dawn Nicoli                          she can share her knowledge of
                                                   building one's financial assets
        For over 20 years Dawn has                 and savings strategies.
        owned and operated Nicoli   Gerald Neff
        Productions, an environmen-  With more than 40 years living
        tal portrait studio, run out of her  and working in South Ameri-
        two-acre property in Escondido.   ca in the agriculture and forestry                        Rachel Gersten
        Starting a new chapter of her life,  business. topped off with 25 years
        when serenity has become so im- in the U.S. Embassy and Peace      Barbara J. Brown, Ph.D.,   Rachel is a licensed therapist and
        portant, Dawn spends her time   Corps. His writing experience    Psychologist at Rise Medical  co-founder of Viva, a multi-city
        in her palapa tree house explor-  includes local publications and   Barbara J. Brown, Ph.D., is the   mental health & wellness prac-
        ing the world of writing.  years of U.S. Embassy reports.        Founder and Owner of Capitol-  tice. She believes that wellness
                             Gerald Neff can be contacted at             Hill Consortium for Counsel-  looks different on everyone and
                             760 796 4877.             Laya Grace Aichle  ing & Consultation, LLC (CCCC   is dedicated to Viva's mission of
                                                                                               making therapy more accessi-
                                                   Laya Grace Aichle currently at-  LLC). She is a licensed psychol-  ble and individualized. Rachel
                                                                         ogist has worked in public and
                                                   tends Lincoln Middle School   private mental health agencies,   strongly believes in a holistic
                                                   with her identical twin sister   hospitals, and universities for   approach to mental health and
                                                   Lana. She’s been writing since   over 30 years.  healthcare in general.
                                                   she was in second grade and en-
                                                   joys watching and performing
                                                   in musical theater. She’s prac-
           Charles Illingworth                     ticed and perfected her writing
                                                   in countless google docs and is
        Charles frequently writes hu-              proud — but very nervous — to
        morous and heartwarming short              present her pieces to the public
        stories, and is often quite full of   Stephanie Lee  for the first time. Although her
        himself. He seems to take pride   Stephanie Lee is a Weight Loss   future is bright ahead of her, she
        in embarrassing his kids and   Behavior Coach who assists her   gets very nervous thinking about
        grandchildren whenever he can.   clients in simplifying and clari-  it, whether it’s just planning an-
        In addition to writing numerous   fying where their individual fo-  other babysitting gig or figuring   Tom Mathews  Debra Zachau
        satirical articles for a local news-  cus needs to go on their unique   out where to go for high school!   Tom Mathews is co-author of the  Debra Zachau is a spiritual teach-
        paper, as well as authoring two   journey to a leaner, healthier,   She hopes readers find her writ-  book ‘How Money Works.’ He is   er, reader, author and speaker
        very well written books, so he   and joyful life by creating posi-  ing inspiring, like she did when   a Certified Financial Educator   who makes her home in San Di-
        says, his goal is to bring joy and   tive and lasting behavior change   she was younger. Learning from   who is on a mission to bring fi-  ego. She offers a video course for
        contentment into his reader's life.  specific to that person. For more   other authors helped guide Laya’s  nancial literacy to the world. To   those who want to Learn Tarot
        He writes under the byline C F   information, visit www.thelee-  writing, and she feels truly bless-  learn more go to www.howmon-  Once and for All. Call/text
        Illingworth.            ed to share it with you.       760-622-1881 with questions.
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