Page 9 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 9

Women of Distinction

        subjects to sit still for long   room for their lifetime and
        periods, so I will often work   will often become treasured
        from photographs that are   family heirlooms passed on
        presented to me. For exam-  to subsequent generations."
        ple, it is hard to get family   Aside from Carly's
        pictures where everyone is   gallery showings, por-
        smiling and happy simul-   traits, and landscape oil
        taneously. So, clients will   paintings, she also loves
        provide me with their fa-  participating in art festivals
        vorite shots of each of them   and Plein-air events. I had
        and their children and pets,   never heard of Plein-air
        and I will blend it all into   events, so I asked Carly to
        an oil painting that shows   explain the concept. "I love
        each family member with    to paint Plein-air, which
        their best smiles." The result   is painting outdoors live. I
        of these photos is a master-  love being outside. And if I
        piece that will be cherished   get to go outside and paint
        for generations to come.   whatever the scene is, the
           Carly's background in   desert, the ocean, anything,
        illustration allows her to   I thoroughly enjoy it. So, I
        create these oil paintings   do two festivals yearly, one
        from scratch. "One com-    in San Clemente and one
        mission I recently had was   in Oceanside. These are
        a woman who had given      competitions where you
        birth, but unfortunately,   paint for an entire week,
        her Dad died shortly before   and then at the end of the
        her daughter was born. She   week, all the artists bring
        provided me with pictures   in the paintings they have
        of her Dad and asked me to   done during that week,
        create a painting with her   and experts in the art field
        Dad holding her newborn    judge their work. The one
        daughter. And that was a   in Oceanside was at the
        really neat painting to do. it   Oceanside Museum of Art.
        was a very touching mo-    It was great."
        ment when I brought her        Carly sold out all her
        Dad back to life holding his   paintings, which was not a
        brand new granddaughter."   big surprise after I saw some
        When Carly presented this   of the results of her week
        painting to the new Mom, I   of Plein-air Painting. A
        knew there wasn't a dry eye   versatile painter, Carly is as
        in the house.              happy painting portraits as
           "It's definitely much   she is landscapes and even
        more rewarding than doing   pet portraits. The truth is
        illustrations for a magazine.   that she just loves to paint.
        When you do this type of       This is obvious as one of
        art, you are painting for   her most recent endeavors
        people. You are touching   was painting backgrounds
        somebody's life, and they'll   for her girls' upcoming
        have it forever and treasure   Beauty and the Beast per-
        it forever, unlike all the oth-  formance at the Brooks The-
        er magazines that go away   ater in Oceanside. "It was so
        after the issue is replaced   cool; I spent the entire week
        with another one. When     painting scenery and back-
        you are painting for peo-  grounds. It reminded me of
        ple, you know that you are   my time as a children's book
        creating memories that will   illustrator. I was able to be
        probably hang in their living  really creative and whim-

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