Page 4 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 4
Letter From the Editor Letters to the Editor
I absolutely love your Fabulous Finds section.
You always have unique items, many that I
didn’t even know I needed until I read them in
your magazine. Thanks for making this infor-
mation available in your magazine
Lindsay from Chula Vista
As a former member of the Armed Forces, I
am so happy to see that you dedicate valu-
able space in your issue to recognize those of
The holiday season is here, and you can us who have served. I have not seen another
magazine do the same! Thank you.
Photo by Lisa K. Miller of year because, at least for a short time, we My husband and I laughed so much at the ar-
feel the joy in the air. This is my favorite time
Sylvia from Oceanside
forget everything that is bothering us and
concentrate on family and friends. We look
ticle «No Sweat» I thought we were the only
forward to gatherings with those we love.
ones who thought old people smelled fun-
Unfortunately, it is difficult for those of us
found it so entertaining. Good writing, C.F.
with family members who live out of state.
Frances from San Diego
However, we still enjoy seeing the videos ny…just joking. We are old people, and we
showing the joy on grandchildren’s faces when they open the gifts we send, though
admittedly, it would be nicer if all of the family could be in one place. After just battling a run in with Stage 2 Breast
Many of our readers have family coming to town to share the holidays; it is Cancer, I found your article «In a Health Crisis»
so needed. Thanks for letting me know that I
always a big selling point when it is hot and sunny year-round. Although I must was handling the situation as I should with my
admit, I do miss a white Christmas, but not for very long, especially when there kids and giving me additional pointers that
are beautiful beaches and palm trees to ease my pain. helped.
One of the best things about Christmas shopping is finding unique gifts that Julie Ann from Carlsbad
family and friends will love. So we went out of our way to share with you some
must-have items in our Holiday Edition of “Fabulous Finds.” Yes, there are some My parents belonged to El Camino Coun-
try Club for years and seeing the pictures
practical items on the pages also, but take a glance and see if you can find the and reading the stories brought me back to
perfect gift for that hard-to-shop-for person on your Christmas list. some fun times. The people were so nice to
Our cover girls are two extraordinary women who will move heaven and us, and we felt like we had another family
earth to help their clients. They are always available with any questions you may there. Thanks for bringing back some valuable
memories. I hope one day to join it so my fam-
have, and if they don’t know the answer, their team of financial experts will. Not ily can have the fun my sister and I had going
only are they knowledgeable, but they are super nice. In their minds, no matter to their gatherings.
how foolish you think your question might be, they understand your concerns. Lucy from Escondido
We all are concerned when it comes to our finances. We want to be confident that
when faced with life-changing events like a marriage, a baby, or plans to retire, I cannot begin to tell you how much you
that we will have no worries. helped by publishing the story about the hid-
Check out the beautiful masterpieces of Carly Castillon, a local San Diego den problems with breast implants. For years
I thought I was losing my mind. I had many of
Artist who takes great joy in capturing family memories that will last forever the same symptoms mentioned in the article.
through her beautiful oil paintings. I had them removed, and my health is 100%
Have things gotten a bit dull in the love department? Learn how to get the better. I, like so many other women, fall prey
spark going with our article by two experts entitled “10 Tips to Rebuild a Thriving to the need to be perfect when the reality is
that having bigger breasts may have made
Sex Life.” me look more attractive, but the toll it took
Don’t miss one of our favorite sections, “Under the Colors,” which highlights on my health and quality of life was not at all
members of our own town who are serving our country in the military. worth it. Besides, I was sick all the time, so I
Remember all they sacrifice to keep us safe. rarely left the house for anything other than
picking my kids up from school and grocery
Most of all, we at San Diego Woman Magazine wish you a wonderful shopping. Women need to consider health
holiday and much joy in sharing those very special moments with family and above all else.
friends. Meredith from La Jolla
Happy Holidays from our family to yours!
I never saw anything like the 3D cakes that
Big Holiday Hugs and lots of love, were in your article on Dinara Kasko. I love
Judith A. Habert making pastries and cakes, and now I am seri-
ously considering buying a 3D printer. I never
knew that could be done. It is certainly mak-
ing cakes look like pieces of artwork.
Brenda from San Diego