Page 7 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 7

Women of Distinction

                                                                  EMPOWERED LATINAS

                                                                        come together

                                                                  TO EMPOWER OTHERS

                                                                      Article and Photos by Maggie Ramos

                                                                  What is the story? Today  ing! It was the D.A. Summer
                                                              my story is about empow-    Stephen's vision to create
                                                              ering fellow Latinas. We are  a Family Justice Center in
                                                              a minority that, more often  North County, and it was
                                                              than not, is left behind. But  realized at the beginning
                                                              on August 20th, MANA de  of  July.  Claudia  explained
                                                              North County San Diego  how the space is dedicated
                                                              gathered in San Marcos with  to serving victims/survivors
                                                              many eager participants at  of domestic violence and
                                                              ONE SAFE PLACE to host  human trafficking, as well as
                                                              their First Annual Nation-  elder abuse.  All design  ele-
                                                              al Latina Day Conference,  ments were carefully chosen
                                                              aimed at Latinas empow-     to give a sense of protection
                                                              ering each other to move  and peace to those who come
                                                              ahead in life.              for help. In addition, it is a
                                                                  Many talented and suc-  one-stop-shop for victims to
                                                              cessful Latinas embraced  receive a wide array of ser-
                                                              the Conference in education  vices to meet their needs.
                                                              and entrepreneurship. They     I spoke with the co-found-
                                                              were all present to show the  er of MANA of North Coun-
                                                              rest that iSí se puede! [Yes,  ty, Gabriela Hooshmand, and
                                                              we can!], as Griselda Beck,  she,  too,  is  very  grateful  for
                                                              MBA, expresses it. Beck is  this day to finally be a reality.
                                                              a big dreamer with many  It was also her dream to create
                                                              goals. And one of her goals  an empowering conference
                                                              was to create an organiza-  for fellow Latinas.
                                                              tion to assist other Latinas.  I  also  met  with Beatriz
                                                                  Beck was introduced to  "Bea" Palmer, a MiraCosta
                                                              MANA de North County  College staff member who
                                                              and quickly learned that the  is constantly on the go for
                                                              organization she had hoped  students.  Palmer  is  direc-
                                                              to create one day already  tor of  the Service  Learning
                                                              existed. As a result, Beck be-  & Volunteer, teaches so-
                                                              came president of MANA de  ciology, and is the first Af-
                                                              North County and brought  ro-Latina president of Oper-
                                                              to the table her dreams and  ation HOPE-North County.
                                                              her knowledge and talents  Palmer explained that she
                                                              in the area of marketing and  took  the opportunity to  be
                                                              leadership coaching.        a presenter at the Confer-
                                                                  The keynote speaker was  ence  because  she  wanted
                                                              Claudia Garcia Grasso, the  to empower other Latinas.
                                                              CEO of ONE SAFE PLACE.  Palmer recently finished her
                                                              She shared her own journey  Master's degree and is now
                                                              as a Latina to become a law-  working on her doctoral de-
                                                              yer, against the wishes of her  gree at San Diego State Uni-
                                                              parents, who only wanted  versity. She is  definitely  an
                                                              her to get married and settle  inspiration for the rest of us!
                                                              down. Her story was inspir-

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