Page 12 - San Diego Woman Magazine Holiday Issue
P. 12

Women of Distinction

        members and learning what
        is important to them."
           Stasia started her career
        at Wells Fargo and has no
        desire to leave this finan-
        cial institution, so I had to
        ask what it is that makes
        Wells Fargo different than
        the multitude of banks and
        financial institutions that
        seem to be springing up
        all over. “I have friends at
        other financial institutions,
        so I have gained insight into
        what makes Wells Fargo
        stand out. I can genuinely
        say we have a vast number
        of resources. From our
        senior leadership down, it
        is unparalleled. We have the
        personnel to assist with any
        financial need that our cli-
        ents require. The other rea-                                                   Photos Courtesy of Stasia Krahling
        son it is such an outstanding
        place to work is that the   my Father and Mother. In   would make is to always    are just a mouse click away.
        senior leadership cares not   addition, I have been paired   be curious and never stop   I am a creature that loves
        only about my professional   with various partners along   learning. Professional devel-  to learn, so I have explored
        development but also my    my Wells Fargo journey.    opment is key in this area;   the available videos and
        personal development.      Kim Shores, Private Wealth   the more information you   seminars and found them
        When they see me, the      Advisor at Wells Fargo, has   garner, the more valuable   to be extremely informative.
        first thing that comes up is   been an incredible men-  you are to your clients. If   So yes, education is import-
        how is your husband? How   tor. She has expanded my   you don't have a mentor,    ant in this field as things
        is your family? How are    professional and personal   seek one out. There is a lot   change, and to do your
        you doing? What exciting   way of thinking, and it    to be said for experience   job expertly, you need to
        things are on the horizon   was truly all organic. We   and having someone who    be up to date on the many
        for you? To me, that creates   had a work experience   can answer any questions   different options for our
        a family atmosphere and is   that brought us together,   that may arise during your   clients. I do, however, have
        grounding. This makes me   but it didn't end there. We   career. All of this starts by   colleagues who did not have
        know that I am where I'm   continued to develop our   being curious."             the same level of education
        supposed to be, and I truly   relationship, and I now view   So how important was   that I had before coming to
        believe that is the differen-  her as a partner and friend.   the education you attained   work here, but with the edu-
        tiating factor that makes   No matter what I talk with   before coming to work at   cation element provided at
        Wells Fargo such a wonder-  her about, I know I will   Wells Fargo? "Education is   Wells Fargo, they are some
        ful place to work.         receive her honest feedback   important, but one of the   of the most knowledgeable
           Knowing that Stasia     and thoughts, allowing me   greatest parts of working   counterparts that I have."
        was raised in a family of   to brainstorm with her. I've   for Wells Fargo is the level   As always, we at San Di-
        bankers, I knew that a lot   been blessed over and over   of ongoing training that is   ego Woman Magazine love
        of her career success came   again with the mentors that   available to employees. They  to learn about all aspects of
        from her familiarity with   I have encountered, and I'm   have an incredible training   the lives of our Women of
        the industry and being     passionate about learning.   program. Their training   Distinction, so I asked Sta-
        involved from an early age,   So, I will always seek out   program is not only for   sia about her personal life.
        but I wondered if she had   mentorship."              those new to the company.   Her face lit up when she
        any mentors who directly       I asked Stasia what sug-  They have an extensive pro-  mentioned her husband,
        impacted her life and career.  gestions she would provide   gram to provide continu-  Ricky. "I've been happily
        "I've been blessed to have   to readers interested in a   ing education. All of these   married for five years to my
        many mentors in my life.   similar career path. "The   courses are one hundred    incredible husband, Ricky.
        My original mentors are    number one suggestion I    percent optional, and many   We dated for about six

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